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GEE – Adam Michael Barck

Text copyright© AdamMichaelBarck 2014

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Adam Michael Barck


I know enough of the world, enough of men,

To know that what’s beyond’s beyond our ken.

- Faust




May it hold ever to be Truth: that within Life kept hidden from our gen, is for it, that which apexes Life’s great beauty.

The comprehended is wonderful and interesting, that which cannot be fully understood, magical and exciting.

There are those who come upon answers to insoluble questions.

There are those who peddle their answers to others, those who tell of a truth to their answers. And there are those who believe them.

There are those who would argue, betray, scorn, perish and slay for these answers. Indeed, there are those that have.

This forms the crux of our hitch, from whence a river does run, carving deep tributaries of shallow impressions.

Good answers, pleasing answers, are not always truths.

Serve rather the Truth, than to bow before a truth.
Think rather than be told. Revelation over recitation.

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