Chapter 3

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I awoke to the sound of plates crashing, cups clattering, and a thundering voice that boomed," There you aare!!" I rushed out of my bedroom, and into the kitchen. There was a tremendous hole in our roof. Ceiling chunks on the floor. Everything was everywhere. There was a pan on the stove, the stove was still on, and there was food in the pan. I rushed to my parents' bedroom, my mom wasn't in there and my dad was sobbing. Oh no. This can't be true! This must b-be a dream! 

"D-Dad, is it true?"

"Y-yes, it i-i-iss!"

It was true. My mom really did get kidknapped! B-By...... PEOPLE!  BIG PEOPLE! I started to cry so hard, my stomach hurt. I cried for 2 days. 2 days!

After I stopped crying I declaired to my dad,"We can't just sit here! We must rescue mom!"

"But Violet-"

"Dad, if you were the one being kidknapped, would you want someone to rescue you, or just cry like a fuckin baby? Huh?"

"I'd want them to rescue me," my dad addmited.

"So let's find, mom and rescue her!" I shouted.

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