Chapter 3 - Escape! V2.0

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Chapter 3 – Escape! V2.0

Johnny and Kimi spent their first night in the safe house on the outskirts of town. It was an old farm style house that had been rented that morning from a local realtor.  There was an FBI agent in a car in front of the house 24/7 and another one in the house with them. The first night, the agent brought some catered food from a nice restaurant in town.  Johnny and Kimi had been assigned separate bedrooms but sometime after midnight she snuck into his room and they made love. They were much quieter than out in the woods, but with no less passion.  She left his bed just before dawn.  

Johnny and Kimi's phones had been taken and stored at the Sheriff's office so that they could not be used to find the safe house location.  During the day there was not much for the two of them to do but watch TV and read the newspaper.  The only news about the murders was a short blurb about three bodies being discovered at the lake and that an investigation was ongoing.  No mention of the arrests of the suspects.    

Late the next day as they were eating lunch, a call came in from the Denver FBI office.  The inside man answered his cell: "Agent Sandberg here...yes sir...Agent James is on patrol out sir, nothing significant to report...I understand sir...who will be relieving us? No sir, I don't know either of them...yes, I understand.  Okay we'll expect them this evening."    

After ending the call he said to Johnny and Kimi. "My partner and I have been re-assigned to a different detail. Our relief will be here in a couple of hours.  It's a little unusual, but orders are orders."

Kimi didn't say anything and Johnny just nodded. "Okay"

When the two new agents arrived.  Johnny recognized that something was not quite right.  Instead food from the restaurant they had been using since getting to the house, the new agent just brought pizza for dinner and he put a 12 pack of beer in the fridge. He smiled and said. "Go ahead, you kids have been through a lot, I won't tell."  He then smiled wickedly and left the kitchen.

Johnny waited for the door to swing shut and whispered to Kimi. "Something is really not right here."

She answered. "Yeah, I was thinking the same thing."

"Okay, let's play along, but be ready to bolt."

He went to the fridge, opened six beers and poured them down the drain except for two which he left half full and put them on the table. He left the four empties conspicuously on the kitchen counter.  "Have a couple of sips to make sure you have beer on your breath."

"No problem."

 'Why did you do that?"

"Someone wants us drunk.  So we play along, act a little tipsy.  You know, get the giggles or something." 


He continued.  "There's no way real FBI agents would give witnesses under their protection beer, especially an underage one like you.  I mean there is no way a Federal Agent would provide alcohol to a minor."

He then whispered. "Okay when you go to your room, keep all your clothes on except for your riding boots. Pull the covers over you and I'll do the same.  Pretend to be asleep when they open the door to check on you.  And then we wait and see.  Just wait for my signal."

"Are you scared?" she asked.


"Me too!"

While they were eating, Johnny noticed that an old-fashioned clock had been put up on the wall over the gas stove. It had not been there the day before.  He pointed at it and said. "There's something odd about that cl..."

Johnny and Kimi: On the Run [Published - Sample Only]Where stories live. Discover now