Johnny and Kimi: On the Run - Introduction

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Johnny and Kimi: On the Run

Copyright © 2014 by J.C. Gunn

Johnny and Kimi: On the Run - Introduction

Johnny and Kimi are two young lovers.  One early summer afternoon, they ride their motorcycles to the lake to be alone together.  Later that evening; before they know it, they are witnesses to a gangland style double murder.  They watch the killers weigh the bodies down and dump them in the lake. 

Two nights later, Johnny and Kimi are running from the burning wreckage of the Safe House the FBI had put them in.  To stay alive, they will have to go Off the Grid and find a way to take down the killers.  All they have are their wits and the clothes on their backs.  They can't trust anyone!

Kimi is 19 and taking computer science classes and is already an expert; more so than most of her instructors.  Her best friend and lover; Johnny is 20 and a talented motorcycle mechanic. He is taking automotive engineering and business classes so he can eventually take over his father's motorcycle shop.  They were High School sweethearts and have been inseparable for over two years.

 ...He immediately notices the smell of gas.  He dashes to Kimi's room and shouts. "We gotta' get out of here!"  He takes her hand and they dash out the back door and into the woods. They get about 100 yards and then stop; just then the house explodes a huge fireball and burns fiercely. They both look at each other in shock.

"What do we do now?" asks a terrified Kimi.

"I'm not sure, but I know that we can't trust anyone right now!

 He points deeper the woods and says. "We'll talk later and get a plan, but for now we put some distance between us and the killers..."

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