Appendix II

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                          Legend of the Making of Universe and the Great Universe War  

No war that was as bloody as this one……The entire universe, in fire and destruction……This is the very war that would change the course of the universe forever.”

                    --“The Song of the Golden Galaxy” An ancient book written by an anonymous scholar. All the stories in the book are more like a myth then facts. Even the book itself is a legend.

No evidence from any civilization survived to give any hint about this legendary war that changed the universe. Only rumors passed from mouth to mouth described a great war that happened a very long time ago, destroying civilizations and races. There’s one book, well know through all of the Galaxies, called the “The Song of the Golden Galaxy”. In this book, there’s a lot of information on this war. But nobody took it seriously, since the book itself says it’s a legend and few modern civilizations will put this part of history into their books.

The book describes that after the gods made the universe, they decided to divide it into Six Great Dimensions. Each Dimension contains hundreds and thousands of separate but huge galaxies. The first Great Five Dimensions are closely linked together forming a circle and allows civilization to travel from one dimension to the other. The Sixth Dimension, which is in the center of the circle, is completely separated from the other Five Dimensions. The book describes that the Sixth Dimension is where the gods live and they also have sacred object that runs the entire universe. There were also “immortals”, those who have ever-lasting life and tremendous strength. They were extremely loyal to the gods and help them to protect the Sixth Dimension and the sacred object. All those who lived in the other five dimensions, whether they were civilized or not, were called “mortals”.

This book, most for entertaining is very popular in many civilizations. However, the Kalalusians hate it very much, since they do not believe in gods and consider the dimension thing is just a madman’s speech. However, they do believe in the Great Universe War which traces back to their ancestors, which was well written in the book.

After Universe was made by the gods in the beginning of time, there were Four Great Civilizations separated in each corners of the universe. The first civilization was the Haillatie Civilization. They were located in the First Dimension and were famous for their fine crafts and arts. The second civilization was the Aklanxian Civilization. They are located in the Second Dimension, and were regarded as a civilization with high intelligence and ambition. The third civilization was the Kalalusian Civilization. They were in the Third Dimension and were famous for their fierce but determined warriors and high order industry. The fourth civilization was the Ghaphore Civilization. They were located in the Fourth Dimension and were considered the most loyal civilization to the gods. These four great civilizations were the supreme powers in the universe and took control of many Galaxies. However, the Fifth and the Sixth Dimension was never mentioned in the book, though it did give a hint that there were greater civilizations secretly born way back in time than the Four Great Civilizations in both of the Dimensions. And also, there were other minor civilizations living in these Four Dimensions too, but none were as great as the Four Greatest mentioned above.

 Each civilization had a different race. Some were very similar to each other, others were very different. However, something that all civilizations share was that all beings that were able to construct a civilization were known as the Charema meaning civilized. Those who live outside of a civilized society were known as Bha’arhia roughly meaning barbarians. Those who don’t have a mind at all were known as Kasalorre meaning beasts.

 In around 67000 (Space Time, which was roughly around five hundred billion years ago), there were great conflicts in the universe that broke the long-lasting peace. First, it happened in the Ghaphore Civilization. The Ghaphore Civilization expanded into a holy empire, containing as much as over two hundred galaxies. However, different religious views brought the empire’s expansion to a halt and after years of criticizing and arguing, it eventually broke out into a civil war. The holy empire collapsed and over six hundred galaxies (Contains those who weren’t living under the holy empire’s rule) fought each other brutally for the control of the holy empire. The entire Fourth Dimension was in chaos and very vulnerable for an outsider to invade.  

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