Chapter 2 In the Professor's House

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 Andrew was lead out of the building by a squad of Kalalusian guards with Professor Pateman’s research team following closely behind. Although Lord Lusaka didn’t punish him for his failure and promoted him to take the professor’s place, Andrew didn’t sense a wisp of joy. Instead, he felt very oppressive about what happened in the last half an hour. Everything happened too quickly and abnormally. Why Lord Lusaka spared him and “rewarded” him for his actions? Why would he become the Head Professor when he has little experience in Science? All of this made Andrew really uncomfortable.

As they went down the steps of the building, Andrew felt a bit better when breathing the “fresh” air and seeing light once more. There was no “fresh” air even before the Kalalusians invaded and these aliens made it worse. The warmth of sunlight was also long forgotten, mostly because the thick clouds and fog blocked the sun. But even though the environment outside wasn’t that amusing, Andrew thought it’s much better than the courtroom. After all, he could move around freely outside.

The guards took them towards the clearing outside the building. There, lined up in a straight roll, were the Technobioles. He saw Beto Stuart climbing into one at the very front and some other officials took ones after him. Andrew and the research team however, were led to a Technobiole at the very end of the line. Andrew was always curious what it feels like to ride in one, but never had the chance. Now, seeing the huge vehicle up close, he imagined how comfortable it was to sit in it.

He was dead wrong.

When he entered the vehicle, it was extremely dark. If it’s not for the light outside, he wouldn’t have even be able to get to his seat. Then, he was surprised to see the rest of the professor’s research team making their way into it. He thought since he was ranked to a higher level, he alone can get a vehicle. Soon, the vehicle was very cramped and the air smelt sour of the human breath. The seat wasn’t comfortable either. It’s made of a very hard material and ached his bottoms.

 The vehicles started going and indeed, at a very fast speed. Inside the car, it was total darkness. And total silence, too. No one talked or chatted the whole way as if they were overseen. Andrew felt very dizzy due to the speed of the vehicle. In the morning, he was still taking an Ultratrain like many other middle-classed humans. Now, he is riding in a private vehicle that only Kalalusians and high-classed humans could ride in. This slight of change still echoed in his brain, causing him to have a strange feeling that he never had before.

Andrew had no idea what Professor Pateman was doing till this day. He only convinced himself that the professor was doing some advanced research for the Kalalusians. But here lies two problems. The Kalalusians was already a high-tech civilization and their race seems far more intelligent than humans. So why would Kalalusians let humans to do the research for them? And what possible technology would they be researching? Second, the Kalalusians seems thirsty for the ancient relics of earth and Andrew was in charge of that. If they are doing some technical research, then why in the world do they need these old “treasures”? It doesn’t make any sense; since history and science was never share a same path.

 The vehicle began to jerk violently, causing all the passengers inside bumping up and down. They must have driven us into the suburbs, Andrew thought. The Kalalusians were extremely strict about roads and the only place that possibly has an irregular road is the countryside. So the professor’s laboratory is located outside the city. Not surprising at all.

“Ramei, I am so glad to hear your voice again!”

“Yeah, yeah…..Same feeling over here.”

A butterfly, for some reason survived its extinction decades ago was attracted by a strong sense of odor; an odor that has not been smelt for years; the smell of a blossomed flower. The butterfly flew over dried-up grass and lifeless vines and into an open window. After circling the marble ceiling for a few moments as if enjoying the long-waited odor, it finally landed softly on a young girl’s blackish hair.

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