- seven -

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.:: chapter seven - relationships ::.


School. The one place where people actually thought Tyler was innocent, but not really knowing just what he got into when not at school. The only teacher who did know the truth was Mrs. Frangipane.

His school reputation was kind of confusing though. There were the students who couldn't believe Tyler would ever be promiscuous, then there was the students who have seen him be provocative. They'd seen his actions with Joshua in the hallway, and they've seen the sexual motions he'd send Josh from across the classroom. They weren't dumb, unlike Debby who looked so highly at Tyler as if he was a god.

His wide brown eyes sparkled with nothing but innocence when she looked at him, and that made him laugh the most. At some points he did feel bad for the girl, but then he'd remember that technically Debby stole Joshua away from him, and that really didn't sit well with Tyler at all.

"Mr. Joseph do you have your homework with you?" Mrs. Rowan asked, her ginger hair shining from the bright lights of the classroom.

"Of course I do!" He giggled sweetly, pulling out his organized binder and taking out the few sheets of paper that held the answers to his English homework.

"I knew you would." She smiled, taking the pieces of papers out from his hands and collecting everyone else's.

"Always fooling the teachers with that innocent charm. Honeybee that ain't gonna work on me." Melanie spoke with a faux accent.

"Ain't isn't a word." Tyler joked with a playful roll of his eyes.

"Well it is now." Melanie shrugged, sitting back against her chair, she threw her neck back when someone tapped on her shoulder, and saw a smiling Oliver.

Tyler turned around from the tap on his shoulder as well, and nearly jumped from the British boy behind him.

"Don't you sit on the other end of the classroom?" Tyler asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Yeah but I moved, said you were helping me with an assignment and of course they believed me since you're so innocent and pure." Oli joked, emphasizing the two words as he said them.

With a chuckle, Tyler placed a hand over his heart. "Yup, that's me."

"This isn't that's so raven." Melanie said, flicking her hair behind her shoulder, laughing at the subtle raise of a middle finger coming from Tyler, and the confused look on Olivers face.

"You were saying." Tyler said, facing the England born native.

"Well you see, I kind of slept with Josh." Oli trailed off, his eyes focusing every where but on Melanie and Tyler who were shocked.

"You what! Give me the details." Melanie shouted, clapping her hands together happily, apologizing when Mrs. Rowan told her to tone it down a little.

"That's private information that I'm not sharing! But I will say we were working on math, he's sort of a nerd but he's cute, and I got bored so I just went for it." He shrugged, ignoring the pout on Melanie's face when he denied giving her any details of something private between him and Joshua Franceschi.

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