... (rant)

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(sorry if you're a dead shot fan hah)

uM DC comics and WB who?
so as if this joker screen time issue and stuff couldn't get any worse, warner bros decides to prove me wrong aGain
OK so literally can we take a moment to see how many petitions and how many people there are that want more jokerleto. We all got
excited from the trailers, but instead we get oh i don't know like 7 minutes of him? we asked for more jokerleto for the extended cut, hmm well what did we get? literally a scene and 30 seconds more of him, then other 10 minutes of extended crap that barely ANYONE CARES ABOUT MORE THAN FRICKIN DADDY J!
We couldn't even get that oNE LINE THAT WAS IN EVERY TRAILER OK
"i can't wait to show you my toys"
UM hi i want to see the toys please cough

but seriously, it's barely an extended cut ok like
sure it's somewhat better but UGHHHH MORE JOKERLETO PLEASE

i guarantee 100000.9% this is how warner bros' convo went down -

"Hey should we add this 5 minute joker scene?"
"Nah, let's add killer croc throwing up goat leftovers instead"
"GOOD idea! why didn't i think of that"


so honestly since the movie came out i've already lost all trust in WB and DC at this point. HMM what about a jOker spinoff? Can we just take a moment to think about HOW MUCH MONEY WB would make?? It would be INSANE. This is what the fans want. Sure you can go your own way, Warner bros, but at least try to notice the obvious? You could literally make a daddy j movie and earn 838583958399595857271929453 times more money than Suicide squad did okay? THats FACT right there. I'm not playing around and throwing out ideas. This is seriously SO OBVIOUS and it's also obvious you've at least seen how many people want more of jareds joker. But NOO lets make a dead shot spinoff!!!!!$6655543321!!!!
can i borrow a knife or something ((:
I'm just so pissed that warner bros doesn't realize this. Sure people liked dead shot i guess , but seriously lets be honest joker and harley were the only good things to come out of suicide squad. LETS BE HONEST

but i'm just so frickin triggered that this is right under warner bros and dc comics' noses. it's so obvious what the fans here want

even featuring doker (my special word for daddy joker) in the batman movie would be great (pff not as good as a joker movie but yknow) just SOMETHING warner bros????? SOMETHING ??

And then there's now a gotham city sirens movie happening
i mean that's great but i'm still emotional over this whole joker thing okay
at least margot is being harley again, she killed it. david ayer is directing and idk how i feel about that but hopefully it's okay anyways ..
i don't really understand how this would work though with harley because joker and harley in suicide squad are literally lovebirds like obviously harley loves him in it and joker for once does too (ok idk about other people but i LOVE this whole lovebird bonnie and clyde thing)
but in gotham city sirens isn't it like harley's there because she's like had enough of his abuse or whatever at that point or something? idk it just doesn't make too much actual sense to me so

aNyway, so the dead shot movie.

i won't really even comment on that. but we'll just see where the future of movies takes us and if there's not more doker i'm suing (:

(btw i have SO much to rant about but i could always just make a separate story for that)

i'm probably deleting this btw hah

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