2. New Investigation

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Hadrian could not fathom what being a god was like, but in his current location, he could possibly relate to the some aspects of the divine position.

He stood thousands of feet above the ground in solitude, his feet firmly planted on the roof of the Silver Tower as he overlooked city stretched in its ubiquity. All the people below were so small, so insignificant, so seemingly trivial. He breathed. Despite the cold wind cutting into his skin, the air felt somehow stagnant, creating a steady ambience which cocooned him away from his earthly sensations.

It gave him something nothing else he could achieve: a sense of both endless power and nonexistence.

"You've always liked high places."

The voice was soft and lilting yet firm with strength. Hadrian pivoted to be greeted by the sight of a woman in a silver uniform akin to his.

Deep orange eyes framed by sharp slanting eyebrows. High cheekbones and shiny black hair pulled tightly in a bun. A stiff countenance which indicated the asceticism of her life, yet a spell of beauty that still traced her face despite her rigidity.

"Tamara," Hadrian spoke amiably, "you surprised me."

She gazed calmly at him, her eyebrows raised. "Please. You need not act surprised. I know that you sensed me the moment I stepped on the rooftop."

A smile tugged on his lips. "Astute as always."

"I am just accustomed to you by now."

They lapsed in a short silence as Hadrian shifted his feet, leaning against the railing. "What brought you up here?" He finally asked.

"I came...to say congratulations."

"On what?"

"Must you really ask me to say it in full?" Tamara's eyes shifted marginally in a manner similar to that of an eye roll.

"Yes, I do."

"Fine. Congratulations on being raised to chief inspector in the investigations department. Happy now?"

"Hmm," he mused, rubbing his chin thoughtfully, "on a second thought, I do not quite like that title. It seems too...pretentious? Stop calling me that."

"You are insufferable."

Hadrian cracked a smile. He had known Tamara since they had first entered the law enforcement division together, and despite their alleged differences, they had stuck together as good friends and oftentimes partners for the longest time.

It was more of a rivalry relationship than anything. Tamara possessed pride, and as one of the few women in the division, she never let herself be outdone by him. She competed side-by-side with Hadrian, her drive to succeed also fueling on his competitive nature, and they brought out the best of each other's attributes.

But now with his position change, circumstances had changed.

Hadrian had almost thought that their close relationship would be torn asunder by the new development, but maybe he had assumed too lowly of Tamara. For after all despite her pride, she was still kind—yes, maybe bitter on the outside, but the nonetheless sweet on the inside. Like an orange, he mused. He loved oranges.

Hadrian tilted his head, "Say Tamara, you couldn't have come up here just for the congratulations, right? Do you have something else that you are supposed to tell me?"

If she was surprised that he had guessed there was more to her arrival, she did not show it. "Yes, it is about a new investigation. Sire Drothe wants you to come to his office quarters to get briefed on the case." She crossed her arms, "And since you were not picking up on your communication device-" she pointedly eyes his empty hands, "I had to get you myself, which wasted my time in my investigation."

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