Chapter 1: Love Can Take the Pain Away

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It was just a normal day like any other for Lightning and her Sire Ratchet. After a morning of lessons, they were now spending a peaceful afternoon together before Ratchet went to work for the evening while Lightning was sparkling sat by Pharma. "Sire, do you have to go work?" Lightning asked innocently, staring up at her Sire while they sat on the bench outside their home. "Yes sweetling I'm afraid I do. But Pharma will be here to look after you till I'm home." Ratchet replied with a soft, fatherly tone as he looked down at her bright crimson optics with his cyan ones. She sighed sadly at his response and looked down to her pedes. "I thought you liked Pharma Lightning? He questioned.
"I do but I miss you lots."
"Aww, I miss you too sweetspark." Ratchet told her with a smile as he picked her up, placed her on his lap and wrapped her in a loving hug. "I'd take you to work with me if I could, but I can't..." He sighed as he kissed her helm.

Not long later and pedesteps were heard close by; it was Pharma, walking up their pathway through their front garden. "Afternoon Ratchet." He called over with a slight wave as Ratchet partially waved in response. "Hello Pharma. How were things this morning?" Ratchet asked.
"Not too bad honestly; just a few regular check ups here and there, so you should have it easy." Pharma answered as he sat down beside his friend, smiling softly at Lightning who was snuggled into her Sire's abdomen. "Is she alright?" He asked worriedly, Ratchet shrugged.
"She's been rather on and off today with things so just keep her company for me." Ratchet said quietly as he stood and carried his youngling inside, laying her on the couch with a blanket as he turned the TV on. "She may be quite quiet as well, so maybe try playing a game with her to take her mind off things." He advised as he collected his things, kissed his femmeling's helm sweetly and left. "Bye bye Sire." Lightning whimpered sadly as she watched him leave with dimmed optics. "Pharma, why do Sire have to go work today?" She asked.
"Because he needs the credits to then look after you little one." Pharma replied kindly as he sat down beside her with a gentle smile.
"But me not well today." She told him.
"I know, but you still have me to look after you. Your Sire really wanted to stay, but he needed to go into work." The young mech explained to the youngling, who was now cuddled into his side for comfort.

Over the course of that evening, Lightning whimpered and complained of pain every so often all over her frame. Eventually, Pharma grew deeply concerned and took matters into his own servos, carefully scanning Lightning's small form to diagnose the cause of her discomfort and unhappiness. A short while after the scan had finished, the young femmeling fell into recharge, allowing Pharma to figure out her problem and find a way to fix it before her Sire returned home. Unfortunately, this was to be far more complex than any illness. However, it would be far much easier to handle.

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