Final Chapter

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I know… by this time you read this letter I'm gone. I just want to tell

you that I feel very lucky and thankful to God that I had a friend like

you. I would also like you to know that I had left something inside,

something I kept from you all these years. I love you Carlo, not in a

friendly way but as one who would feel like spending the rest of my

life with. I have always loved you even from the start. I guess it just

bloomed each day that's why the happiest days of my life was…

when you were by my side. You just don't know how I dreamed of

you at night and wake up in the morning and dream no more for you

were with me. When you were away, I can't stop crying because I

was afraid to think that you are with another girl. I just can't bear to

see you with another girl. I just want you all to myself. I may sound

selfish but that's how I feel.

Each time, you held me close to you, was like a dream coming true,

for to be close to you and feel your heart beating next to mine was

like heaven. So many things I did so that you will learn to love me

but I NEVER saw a hint. I did everything to please you because I

love you so much that I even tried to fool myself that you're in love

with me too. So many nights I've cried when I think of myself

unloved by you. Well you might think that what I'm saying are lies

but, I tell you, my heart speaks the truth for I cannot bear telling a lie

to the one I love. I know you might be thinking of Mark; but I just did

that to make you jealous, to make you see me as a young woman,

capable of loving and not as the little girl you used to play with.

Sometimes I imagined that you were jealous and fooled myself that

it was a sign that you feel something for me too. When Mark and I

broke up and I came crying, I just did that to know… how you would

react and with that I'll know that you love me too. But I failed for you

didn't give me any clue. When our prom night came, you just don't

know how happy I was when you handed me the corsage and

saying that I was the loveliest girl in the whole world. While we were

dancing, I wanted so desperately to hear you say that you love me

too but you NEVER did. When Mark came and pleaded me to give

him a second chance, I was scared that you might see us talking. I

didn't want you to get the wrong impression so I told him we would

talk in the garden. There I explained to him that it's you whom I

really love.

What happened next was that I found you missing and later learned

that you were searching for me, I just concluded that you saw us

together. The next day, I tried to explain but then you never gave me

a chance to do so. You continuously avoided me and never knew

how much pain I've experienced that time. I felt the world crushing

on me. In our Graduation day, when I approached you, I wanted to

tell you… how much I loved you but I decided that I just couldn't do

it. I could not bear to hear that all you feel for me is just brotherly

hand of love. For I want you to love me as a woman and not as a girl

or playmate. So I just turned away and left.

Now that saying I LOVE YOU might be too late, but still I want you to

know that I will always love you and my heart has always been and

will be yours alone.

P.S.: Think of me sometimes... and always remember that loving

you was the best thing that ever happened in my life.


I felt my tears falling as I folded the letter. I wanted to shout out to let

her know that I love her, if not as much, but more than she did for

me. I love her more than anything in this world. I knelt touching the

soil of her grave and rain started to fall. I continued crying softly and

whispered, "Oh God, send my love to heaven.”

Love to HeavenTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon