"We're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?"

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"We're in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?"


"Stop the car,"

Fitz, his hands firmly on the wheel, squinting against the rain, nearly laughed. But a quick glance at Jemma's face told him she was entirely serious.

"What? Why?" he tried to keep the incredulity out of his voice, but Jemma - as always - saw right through him.

She gave him a puzzled look. "To feel the rain, of course,"

He sputtered, a crack of thunder ringing out. "We're in the middle of a lightning storm, and you wanna stop and feel the rain?"

"Of course," she gave him a innocent grin, zipping up her jacket. "Nothing better to do, do we?"

Internally, Fitz believed there were many things they could do. Such as hurry to their newly rented cottage and warm up via the fireplace and a warm cup of tea. But in that instant, Jemma's face, turned toward the window, lit up with a bolt of lightning. It was barely an instant, but the light lit up every curve of her face and hair. He was struck by the way she seemed so carefree, the ever present darkness in her eyes lifted.

Two minutes later, Jemma was pulling him from his seat and into a small clearing in the trees. Rain cascaded down around them, a soft patter against the rusty colored leaves.

Jemma turned her face up towards the sky, and he watched as drop after drop slid down the slope of her cheeks and the curve of her nose.

She was his everything. She was clever and beautiful and smart. And here she was, feeling the rain on her skin like some stereotypical romantic comedy star - while he watched on without a care as to what anyone driving by might think.

Droplets were wetting her curls, beading against her parka, and the warmth of her eyes matched the wet wood of the trees around them. She was laughing and pulling him into a kiss by the lapels of his jacket, and he could taste the earth on her lips and the sky on her tongue.

She pulled back slowly, and in that instant, he knew he had never been more sure of anything in his life.

"Marry me,"

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