The Secret Borrowers

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OK, So you may be wondering what the hell a borrower is. A borrower is a tiny person who borrows things from regular-sized ppl that they wouldnt notice is gone. Soo, enjoy!

Wow! I'm on my very first borrowing! Everything is SUPER huge. My dad told me borrowers borrow things like swords (needles), cups (thimbles), sheilds and bed covers(leaves) etc.! 

"Hold on tight violet," my dad told me as he desended quickly down the rope..

"Wooahh!" I exlaimed. The big ledge of a ceiling was coming fast. REALLY fast!


"Oww! that hurt. Waah!" When I reached the big ledge I tumbled to the edge and FELL! 

"WAAAH! HELP ME! HELP ME!!!" I screamed as loud as I cuold. 

The Secret BorrowersWhere stories live. Discover now