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"So you're back again," Her icy voice filled my ears. "Hi Bella," I turned to her. My sister sat on the couch with her quilt on her lap. I smiled at her giving her a small shy, but friendly, wave. "This is going to take some getting use to," She sighed, saying in a voice barely above a whisper but due to my supernatural my whole family and I picked it up. "Well, I'll be upstairs and out of your way most of the time. Let me know if you need anything," I said politely before turning back around and making my way back upstairs but not before giving her another small smile.

"You handled that well," Jasper said walking into our bedroom later than evening after excusing himself from the situation downstairs. I laid on my back on the floor, staring out the big glass window. "We need somewhere to sit in here. Besides the couch," He told me. "Like a good place to read a book, ya know?" His southern draw coming out more towards the end of the sentence. "Yeah, that'd be nice," I sighed happily mentally imagining a nice comfortable chair to curl up in and read a book.

"Why don't we ask Esme to do that for us?" He wondered out loud. "We can go shopping while she get's us one." He suggested. "I can't go out in public," I reminded him. "Don't worry, we can get Alice to fix you up for us," He assured me. "Are you sure? That's a lot to ask for just buying some clothes we can get online," I told him. "Don't worry. She'll be ecstatic when you ask her. I'll go get her," He smiled and walked out of the room, leaving me to quietly lay on the floor.

I could hear them talking downstairs and just moments later the door flew open to reveal Alice with a grin from ear to ear on her face. "I can't wait! You won't even know it's you by the time I'm finished," She all but exclaimed. I stood up from the floor just in time for her to grab my hand and drag me out of the room, leaving Jasper chuckling behind in the doorway of our room.

She dragged me down a flight of stairs to the second level of the house and down the hallway to her room. I have never actually been in her room before. She swung open the white wooden door and into her room. There were four deep purple walls and a big king sized bed in the middle of the room with a lavender silky comforter laying across the dark purple sheets. Her room was absolutely breath taking with all the shades of purple complementing each other. "Wow," I said astonished.

She continued to lead me to a set of translucent double French doors. She flung open the two door gently but quite swiftly revealing a massive glass walled bathroom. The east wall was completely made of glass and had a huge white vanity up against it. There were buckets and tubs of makeup and brushed neatly organized covering the vanity. On the west wall was a glass shower and looking across the room from the door way on the opposite wall was a large classic bathtub.

"Sit," She pointed at the one of two hairdresser chairs that sat facing the vanity. I obeyed her command and sat down while she opened up another set of French doors that lead into, from a side view, massive walk in closet about half the size of this massive bathroom. She rummaged through the closet for a few minutes before her angelic voice came through. "Aha! I have the perfect outfit for you're new look," She exclaimed.

Alice walked out of the closet holding up different articles of clothing, each from separate hangers. In her hand she had a pair of maroon high waist jean shorts, a black lace long sleeve shirt, black above the knee socks, and high heeled doc martins. "Let me get your hair and makeup real quick and then you can get dressed." She told me. "Oh! And by the way, you will have to wear your colored contacts," She informed me. I nodded my head not sure if she was finished talking or not.

She danced around the room dabbing makeup on my face here and there, putting some stuff on my lips and used special brushes on my hair. She put in my contacts for me and before I could tell what was happening she was ushering me into the closet to get dressed. I stripped down of my old clothing and into the new outfit she picked out for me.

I turned around and caught a look of myself in the mirror. "Oh my god, Alice," I exclaimed. I had thick rim of eyeliner around my now hazel eyes and my dark brown hair was fizzed up to perfection. I had a dark grey smoky eye which complemented my pale skin nicely and black lipstick on my plump limps bringing out my eyeliner. "Let me see, let me see!" She exclaimed. I opened the doors back up to the bathroom. "Ahh! I love it!" She nearly screamed. "Me too thank you so much!" I thanked her, bringing her in for a hug but being careful of my makeup.

"Oh! I know just the perfect finishing touch!" She told me running back into the closet. She came out just seconds later holding a black round hat, plopping it gently over my hair. "Even better," She sighed happily with her work. "By the way, looking like that you might want to stop in hot topic and journeys. You'll blend right in sweetheart," She smiled at me. "Will do, thank you again!" I called out leaving the room.

I ran upstairs grabbing my purse and phone before walking downstairs to find Jasper. "Woah," "Hot," "Beautiful" Smack "Ouch!" Chuckle "Britt, you look beautiful dear," was all I heard as I descended downstairs and into the living room.

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