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"Will you play me a song?" He asked me as we sat down on the soft couch next to each other. "What song would you like me to play?" I asked him. "What all songs do you know?" Jasper questioned. "Um... well I think I still remember Canon In D," I pursed my lips together, trying to draw back the memory.

I hummed in happiness as the memory was fading back in. I opened back up the case which Jasper had carried up here for me gently picked up my cello and it's bow, setting it down on the ground between my legs. I held the bow firmly in my hand before dragging the bow across the strings, the first note of Canon In D filled the air.

I fell into the music, blocking out Jasper and anything else around me. Just me and my cello. The final note fell, as I dragged the bow across the strings one more time. "My god, Britt." Jasper breathed, his mouth hanging wide open. "Was I really that bad?" I panicked as the thoughts of Bella always yelling at me to shut up filling up my mind. "No, god no baby doll. That was amazing!" He exclaimed.

A smiled broke across my face as I gently set me cello down back into its case. "Britt," Jasper said grabbing my hands and pulling me to my feet. "I know it's going to be hard with Bella here and all but we can get through this together. I promise, I love you." He whispered as he leaned in, kissing me.

He let go of my hands, his sliding down to my waist and I cupped his face, kissing him passionately. He pulled away and smiled down at me. "Your sister and Edward will be here soon, do you want to go get ready?" He asked me. I sighed and leaned my head down on his chest. "Don't remind me," I groaned. I lifted my head up and stood back. "I'm going to change and freshen up a little," I told him. "Okay, I'll put this away and meet you downstairs in a little while," He told me.

      I grabbed some clothes and walked over to the bathroom

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I grabbed some clothes and walked over to the bathroom.

     I changed my clothes and brushed my hair

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I changed my clothes and brushed my hair. I looked into my dull red iris's staring back at me in the mirror. I sighed, I don't want to go back downstairs with my sister knowing she'll be here in any minute. I walked over the glass wall and climbed into the dry empty bathtub. I hugged my knees up to my chest and stared out at the trees letting my mind wander.

About twenty or so minutes had passed until I heard a voice calling my name. "Britt?" The voice asked again. "In here," I said. "Can I come in?" Rosalie asked. "Yeah," My voice came out soft. The door opened and Rosalie stepped in. "How come you are in the bathtub?" She asked me. "Good place for thinking. I like to look out the window," I told her. "Oh," She smiled softly.

"So," She said walking over and sitting on the edge of the tub. "Bella just got here," She sighed her smile fading. I let a sigh fall from my lips. "I really don't want to go down there," I told her truthfully. "Me neither. Want to just stay up here and talk?" She asked me. "I'd like to," I softly smiled scooting over so she could climb in the tub with me.

The door to the bathroom opened a little while later and the smell of sweet human blood hit me in the face. I sucked in a deep unnecessary breath and held it. "What are you two doing?" Jasper chuckled. "Talking," I chocked out. "Are you okay?" Jasper asked rushing to my side inhumanly fast. "The smell. I'm going to go take a walk." I said fast. "Do you want me to wait till you're back to tell Bella about you?" He asked. I just shook my head and ran past, downstairs, and out the door being unnoticed to my sister.

I ran out of the house and through the forest. I just stopped running and immediately walked at a slower pace. I had no idea where I was going, just somewhere. Without realizing, my feet just led me to the rez. When I finally looked up at to where I was going, I saw I was at the cliff. The one Bella jumped off of about a year and a half.

Before processing what I was doing, I had lunged myself off the cliff. The cold breeze of the wind wrapped around my body as I plunged into the icy water. My clothes puffed out around my body as I sank deeper. I just let myself slowly float to the bottom. I sat on the floor of the ocean as I let the sandy dirt fill my clothes. I sat there for a while not breathing not thinking, just staring.

I finally pushed my body up as I came out of my trance, rising to the shore. I swam upwards pushing myself. My face popped out first followed by the upper half of my body. I swam to the shore, pushing myself out of the water and onto the rocks. I sat there for a minute before sitting up and walking back home, my wet clothes clinging to me the entire time. I came to the conclusion that if I ran home at a supernatural speed that it would dry my clothes.

I took off running, my clothes drying just like I hoped they would. I could see the house now and standing in the living room was my family and Bella sitting on the couch, her baby bump already showing. I sighed and headed back to the front door, my clothes dry. I opened the door and walked inside, closing it behind me and walked up the stairs.

"So, you're back again," The familiar voice I was hopping and praying not to hear again rang through my ears.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long update but I was off for Thanksgiving break and didn't update and then we redid all the hardwood floors in my house so I couldn't get access to my computer but here I am now! New update Monday since I don't write over the weekend:)! So Bella is back and pregnant and the book is almost over! I already have the ending planned out for this book and I absolutely love it!:)


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