Daddy's Back

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Hey!! It's me!! Okay, so this one I'm planning on being my EPIC one, so I apreciate any feedback you have... Actually please comment if you thought it was okay enough for me to do some more of it, if not then say so, but doens't mean I'll stop typing it, just means you wont read it. Also if you like it could you spread the word of this story? Thanks guys! Much love! <3 <3 <3


I ran down the stairs to open the door, expecting a really gorgeous guy, my age, dazzling blue eyes and that really long hair that I could just rust ruffle, just because I could. He’d have that smile that would look more like a cheeky smirk, and he’d have those perfect lips; lips that I could kiss for hours on end. He’d have that perfect minty breath, even after he’d had a beer or two. He’d arrive with flowers in his hands.

My mind whirled around a future me and this mysterious but dream-like boy. What’s his name? I hope it’s something sexy like Noah, or Elijah, or... Chase! I like that! But then... Tom! It’s short, snappy and I can make loads of pet names from it! I squealed with excitement. I quickly checked myself out in the mirror. Not good! I thought beginning to fluster and panic. I threw cushions out of my way, looking for my handbag. Once I found it, I grabbed my lippy and mascara and quickly did my make-up. I smiled and pouted a little bit, admiring my full lips even more now that they were glossy. I looked down at myself, wearing short gym shorts and a tight fitting tank top. I don’t want to look like I make too much of an effort I thought, and with that I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail, trying to go for the sexy casual look. This is it! I squealed to myself as I opened the door smiling.

I stared in horror. Damn I have to cut down on those cheesy romance teen fiction novels. A man stood at the door alright but it was not what I was expecting.

The man stood here, opposite of gorgeous. Way older than me, instead of dazzling blue eyes, his eyes were bloodshot and sunken back. His hair was thinning and grey in some places, and greasy, no... I’m not ruffling that in a million years. His smile wasn’t a smirk at all. His smile was an effort, even though he tried to make it seem natural. His lips, the main feature I tried to ignore. They were pursed, and barely visible through his fake smile. His breath smelt of alcohol. The delicious minty breath I imagined seemed so far away now. And he didn’t arrive with flowers in his hand. He arrived with a beer can in his hand.

“Rosѐ” He smiled, this smile seemed slightly more genuine. He offered me his can of beer but all I could do was look at the can in disgust, and then look back at the man, with even more disgust.

“My name is Rosie. Are you that obsessed with alcohol that you forget my name and replace it with something alcohol related?” I asked, shaking my head. He looked me up and down, his gaze falling on my face. He chuckled slightly and shook his head. “What the hell are you doing here, Dad?” I asked. His gaze rested on me again, and that fake smiled returned to his lips.

“Am I not allowed to see my own daughter?” he asked. I scoffed and shook my head, swallowing hard. “Come on Ro-” he paused before he finished my name. He sighed and looked at me, clearly wanting to pretend he hadn’t just forgotten my name three seconds after I’d just reminded him. I rolled my eyes and slammed the door in his face.


I muted the TV and closed my eyes. Why has he come home? I wondered as I ran through all the reasons in my head. Mum? No new boyfriend... Me? No new boyfriend... School? All good... He can’t be here just to see me... I came up with nothing. This was my father. He was an alcoholic BIG TIME! Mum left him two years ago due to his major alcohol problem and he hasn’t returned since, not even to see me, even after Mum had shared custody with him so he could see me at any time if he wanted to. Why would he turn up now? I heard keys turn in the door and sat upright again, sorting out the sofa so my mum wouldn’t know I’d been lying down, I only lay on the sofa when I’m worried about something.

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