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Her new room felt hollow. It lacked the vibrant colors her wall adorned in her old room. None of her posters of bands or idols were hanged up. No picture frames. Simply, her new room lacked her personality.

But [Name] wasn't too sure who she truly was anymore. More often than not, she felt detached from everyone. She was alone, a few moments she felt melancholy and other moments she felt completely numb.

Santa Carla was a beautiful place filled with anomalous individuals. She wondered if it scared them how people perceived them like how it scares her.

How can someone possibly know who she is if she doesn't know herself?

Not to mention, Santa Carla might be beautiful but it's dangerous. At least, it's incredibly dangerous according to the other juniors in her classroom.

"Why did you move here, [Name]?" Her teacher asked.

"I don't know. My mother and stepfather wanted to move here."

As she trudged back to her seat, she could hear the whispers of the class. What a bunch of stereotypes, of course teenagers loved gossiping.

A boy from a desk behind her leaned in towards her as she sat down. Honestly, his breath was disgusting but that wasn't what made her shudder.

It was what he said, "You're going to end up as another missing person on a poster down by the pier."

She shuddered.

But looking back at that moment from earlier today, perhaps that's what she wanted.

It was early in the evening and she heard there was a comic book down by the boardwalk. She decided she would go. She wanted the latest comic for Wonder Woman anyway.

author's note
hi guys! i decided to give in to temptation and write a fan fiction for marko because i love him (paul is cute too). please give me feedback! i hope this wasn't boring. i also apologize for
any grammar or spelling errors.

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