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Origin~ from the Greek: ατελής

The fear of imperfection. The fear of never being good enough.


You might think this is one of those Tumblr things that everyone says they have. Well, it's not. This is an actual anxiety disorder. You see a girl, bone thin, and she says she's fat, it's because when she looks in the mirror, she sees someone that's a size XXXXXXL. I could tell you that I know every single thing about this because I 'Have it', but I don't. People like me feel like we do, it's not diagnosed by our doctors or anything, but we think we should make an appointment to make sure.

I'm not sure what brings up atelophobia, but I have an idea what brings people into thinking they have it. Peer pressure, bullies, society, school, grades, age, even parents and abandonment can cause this to happen to us. I might not be entirely correct, or have caught everything, but I know something that no one else out of this bubble surrounding me and the people who feel like they have this disorder knows. You will never know how bad it feels like, never being good enough. The dragging weight of the world on your shoulders, the pain of never fitting in. and worse of all, the fear of imperfection.

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