Pain reliver

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Written By AuggieJumpFrog

-Will you be my pain reliever
You've turned me into a believer
I get amnesia 'bout the world just think'in about you
Because all I ever needed was your medicine to cure my demons
They try to rise up whenever you're not there
But each time they rise up
Each time you push them down
Back down to the back of my head
There are monsters in my head
These monsters in my head latch onto everyone of my insecurities
Begging, screaming, telling, ordering me to give in
Give into the monsters inside my head
But you , you're always there
Reaching into my heart and bringing me back into the light
Whenever i see you my monsters get amnesia
So will you be my pain reliever
You've turned me into a believer
That the monsters in my head will dull
With you my Pain Reliever

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