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" Options ?!" I screamed at the top of his lungs repeatedly.
" They expect me to take in a child I've never met or give her to complete strangers. Either single father or deadbeat dad. What do I do Deanna?"
I been repeating this dialogue for the past 4 hours, only slightly changing words every 4th repetition.
" Will , I don't know . I wish I did. But I think you should speak to single parents , Beverly and Worf . They may have some insight for you. And meet her , spend some time with Maddie" Deanna said softly.
" Maddie? You've seen her" I asked
" Yes , Mrs. Bee asked if I could give her a full psychiatric work up" she confirmed.
" And?"
" You know I'm not meant to share information about patients"
" I'm her Father" I said suddenly.
" I'm...I.. I'm her Father" I stuttered and falling into a seat.
" She terrified, that you don't want her , don't love her and that she'll be sent away forever. And she hurts , she lost her mother and now she going to lose her father" she said sadly.
At this point, I suddenly left. I went and talked to Worf , who talked about the hardships and values Klingons hold for their children.
" Love is the honour we bestow on our children"
Beverly , talked about how she loved every minute of raising Wesley. " The bad times were really bad but they made you ever more close." She told him. " the love and protectiveness you will feel for this child is like no other" she said as he left.
I walked for a while , I could of given a whole ship tour with how much I walked.
I didn't even realised where I was until The captain shook me out of my panicked trance.
" Captain?" I asked lost.
" Riker, are you okay?" He asked concerned about his number one.
" Ummm... I .. I don't know... w..what to do!!" I cried broken.
" This situation is complicated" He said awkwardly half hugging and tapping Riker on the back.
"Why don't you come into my office and we can talk." He said, I just nodded.

He sat me down on the red sofa in the corner and at next to me.
" You seem troubled. Do you want this child?"
He said.
" of course I do , she my daughter. But What if I'm a bad dad. I've never taken a care of a child before." I cried. Tears stained my cheeks.
" I've never know someone as compatible with children then you. And do not forget you are not alone. You have a whole crew to help and lots of friends with experience with children to get advice from. I believe that you can raise this child. You are somewhat the closest thing I have to a son and I'm proud of you. And I would not mind babysitting time to time." The captain said unexpectedly.
" You really think , I could do this? Raise a child" I said.
" Yes" was his final answer.
After a another long hour and many teas, I finally knew what I was going to do.
I would decide tomorrow at the weekly meeting.
I tossed and turned through half of the night.
When I finally settled, I dreamt of that little girl and her sea orbs staring deep into mine and laughing. Her giggle filled my heart with such joy that I'd never felt before.
I woke up light and free. Ready to start my new life with my daughter. Wow, I'd have to get get use to that.
My normal routine was followed with loud humming.
As the time passed and the meeting got closer I became nervous.
"What if I'm a terrible father? What if I can't give her a good life?"
" Will, stop! Your going to a amazing father" Deanna said.
" Did I say that out loud?"
" Yes, stop worrying"
" I can't. I'm just so nervous."
The turbo lift jumped and we were here. The doors would open and there my child would be, scared and alone. Thinking I may not want her.
That I may send her away.
The doors opened. I stepped out.
She was sitting my the widow, staring at the stars. Today , she wore a long sleeve purple top with frilly shoulders and black dungaree dress. Her hair was down with a black headband holding apart her fringe and the rest of her hair.
I didn't sit , I didn't even go near my seat. I just walked straight towards my child.
I kneeled in front of her. She turned to face me.
" Maddison?" She didn't speak.
" I know your scared and you feel alone right now but I want you to know your not.
I'm here for you as your father. If you'll have me." I said to her.
She didn't speak , she just stared at my eyes and lunged forward into my arms.
" Papa" she quietly said into my ear.
" I have something for you"
She let go and sat back down on the coach.
I took out a box and opened to her.
" It's a locket. It says Forever. It means not matter wherever you are or wherever I am even if we're not together. I'll always love you."
I say emotionally.
She took it out the box and held it . She handed it me and I helped her put it on.
We hugged once more.
" Where do I sign?" 
" Right here" Mrs. Bee pointed.
As I was signing, Maddison came and held my hand.

                         " Lets go home"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Aug 16, 2017 ⏰

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