A social surprise

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As repairs were underway , the crew were enjoying shore leave. It was impossible to know how many citizens, engineers and repair crews were actually coming and going aboard the Enterprise.
Walking down the corridor, heading to the weekly staff meeting. I saw many crewmen helping repair crews repair damaged systems.
The computers had been down for days but as I was walking the sound off life fluttered through the console within the walls.
This meant the turbo lifts were in full power and I didn't have to crawl 7 floors of Jefferies Tubes just to get the observation room.
As I entered the turbo lift , Deanna stood eyes closed almost asleep.
" Sleepy counsellor?"
" I didn't sleep much last night?" She replied.
" Me either" he returned with a smirk.
They rode the turbo lift all the way to the observation room.
" ladies first" he slightly bowed.
" thank you"
As they entered the room, the normal senior staff were present, talking separately in small groups of twos and threes. But also, an older woman with grey at the roots of her raven silk hair, which was worn in a long waist length braid stood at the side of the table. Her clothing consisted of a citreous colour suit and beige heels.
She was accompanied by a small girl, around 4 Terran years old. She had light brown pigtails held high by pink bands and wore a distinctly vintage outfit from the 21st century. It consisted of a striped grey and black top with a bright pink heart emblazoned upon the centre. This was accented by a jacket of a sturdy blue material with a skirt to match, thick woollen tights and ornate black shoes that felt as though they might have come from an equally antique child's doll.
By the expressions on the Crew's faces , I had a feeling this was not any normal meeting.
I heard nothing of what was being said.
All I could do is was stare at this child with sea blue eyes , she seemed so familiar but I had never seen this child before.
" Riker?"
" Commander?"
" Will?" Various voices trying to gain my attention.
" Huh? Sorry can you say that again , I must have zone out" I replied.
The woman in the citreous suit spoke
" I said Maddison , Is Commander Riker's child , Your child"
At this point I froze. Thinking.
" Who's her mother?" I asked.
" Claire Thomason" the raven haired woman replied.
" Where is she?"
" Unfortunately, she's decreased"
" how?"
The woman slid over a yellow folder.
" everything you need to know is in there"
" Now the matter of custody, in Claire's will it is written that she wants her daughter to be raised by her father"
As she was saying this , Riker look upon this child with wonder.
" Of course , you don't have to take the child, there are other options"


Wow! I wonder what will happen next? Hope you enjoyed.
Love, Hero.x

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