nine - heroics

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Sending a smile to the librarian, I walked towards my usual table which was situated at the back of the library. It was now Thursday, which meant I had my double free period first thing. If I didn't care so much about my attendance, I'd probably sleep in like every other same teenager would do. My attendance had always been something I liked to keep as high as possible, and that wasn't going to change any time soon.

As I sat down, I pulled my earphones out of my bag and plugged them into my phone before pulling out the English essay I planned on finishing off. Sticking my music on shuffle, I began to read over the plan I'd created for my essay until I felt a tap on my shoulder. My eyes rose and landed on a petite, dirty blonde haired girl standing next to me. I pulled out my earphones and sent her a smile.

"Do you mind if I sit here? There isn't another free table." She asked with a sheepish smile. 

"Of course, I'm on my own anyway." I said gesturing for her to sit down. 

"Thanks," she replied with a gentle smile and her green eyes twinkling. "I'm Ellie, by the way." 


"I know," she replied, and I raised my eyebrows at her questioningly. "You're the mysterious new girl that seems to have captured Zayn Malik's attention - people talk." 

"People talk about me and Zayn?" 

"Yeah, all the time."

"What do they say?" I didn't really know if I wanted to hear it, but curiosity got the better of me. 

"Nothing bad. They just wonder what's going on between you two. Zayn usually doesn't talk to girls for as long as he has with you."

"There's nothing going on with us..."

"I guessed that much. Until I knew you're name I referred to you as 'the girl who Zayn always stares at in the cafeteria'" Ellie said with a smirk. 

"He stares at me?" I asked a little too loudly, earning a shush from the librarian who was lurking nearby. 

Ellie giggled at my response. "Yeah, all the time. You just probably don't notice it because e looks away whenever you look at him." 

"I don't - I don't look at him." I stuttered, a blush appearing on my cheeks. 

"Sure." Ellie said with a knowing smirk. "What are you studying?" 

Grateful for the change of subject, I puffed out my cheeks. "Writing an essay, you?"

"Maths. I suck at it."

A grin spread across my cheeks. "It's my best subject, if you need a hand you can ask me. I actually enjoy it."

"You enjoy maths? You do realise you're probably the only teenager ever to enjoy maths right?" She said with a raised eyebrow. 

"Yeah, I get that a lot." 

We continued to study together quietly, not pushing the Zayn subject any farther. It didn't bug me too much that people were talking about me - I'd expected it, being new here. But it bugged me a little that people were talking about me and Zayn. Even though Ellie hadn't directly said it, I realised that people must have thought we had something going on. The double period went by quickly, and I helped Ellie out with her Maths a few times and she helped me a little with my essay which I did end up finishing. I'd found out that Ellie was actually in my Human Biology class, so I at least had one person I could go to for help if I needed it. At the end of the period, we exchanged numbers goodbye's before walking off in our different directions. It felt nice knowing that I'd made a new friend on my own. I loved the friends I had, but I hadn't really made them on my own - Lauren had helped me with that. It comforted me to know that I actually did have the ability to make friends on my own.


The rest of the week went by normally; hung out with the guys, did homework, worked on the project with Zayn. Until Friday. When I arrived at my room, Lauren had hundreds of clothes spread out around the room. 

"Whoa, did a bomb go off in here?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at Lauren. 

"We're going out tonight." Lauren simply stated, ignoring my remark.

"Don't I get a choice?"


"Where are we going?"

"There's this great club that's opened recently in London and we all decided to go up there and check it out tonight - including you." Lauren said, pointing a stern finger at me. 

"Lauren, I'm underage..." I moaned. I really did want to go, but I was scared of getting knocked back.

"Borrow someone's ID, you'll be fine. You look older than me." She comforted. 

Lauren pouted at me with big, begging eyes while I contemplated. I didn't know how well it would work, but it was worth a try. Plus, I'd never been clubbing before and it seemed fun. 

"Okay, yeah. Sure." I breathed.

Lauren squealed and pulled me in for a quick hug. "Thank you, thank you, and thank you!"

Lauren and I spent the next two hours helping each other pick out outfits and to get ready. Lauren was wearing a white skater skirt with a black crop top and the Jeffrey Campbell’s I'd borrowed before; and I was wearing a tight black dress - borrowed from Lauren again, and I made a mental note that I needed to go shopping soon - that I swore was a tank top and a pair of dark red and very high wedges that were actually mine. I couldn’t remember actually packing them, but I just accepted it. We were both doing our makeup when there was a knock at the door. In the middle of curling my lashed, I quickly made my way to the door and opened it to find Niamh and Jessica standing outside. 

They explained that they were ready early after we invited them in, and that was why they'd came here. Lauren and I were almost ready, and we both finished of our makeup and finishing touches in time. We were meeting the boys at seven, making sure we made it to the club before it. It was somewhere in central London, so that's why the drive was so long. Apparently, Harry and Niall had did rock, paper, scissors to work out who was going to be the designated driver and therefor, not drink. By the look on Harry's face as he swung the car keys, I was guessing he'd lost.

As we were leaving the girls dorms, three boys were leaving the boys dorms at the same time.

"Georgia!" A voice I recognised as Louis called out and I turned to see him jogging towards me. Behind him, Zayn and Liam were trailing behind; Liam with a smirk on his face and Zayn glaring at Louis. 

"Hey, what's up?" I replied, ignoring that my friends were waiting behind me impatiently.

"Where you guys headed?" Louis asked, and Zayn sent me a sheepish smile as an apology, although I didn't know why.

"Some new club in London, you?"

"No way!" Louis exclaimed a mischievous grin appearing on his face. "Audio?" I nodded as he said the name of the club. Liam was snickering behind them as Louis continued. "What a coincidence! That's where we're going, isn't that right Zayn?" 

Zayn shot him a dirty look and muttered, "Yeah it is. And we need to leave."

"Okay, jeez. It was nice speaking to you, love." Louis said patting my arm.

"You too." 

Liam and Louis walked off to their car but Zayn lingered behind. His eyes raked up and down my body, and I felt a small chill run through my body with the way he was looking at me. Eventually his eyes met mine, "Sorry about him. He's such a brat."

"It’s fine, he was just being friendly."

"He was just being a twat." Zayn added and I laughed. "I'll see you at the club, angel." he winked at me before following behind Louis and Liam. 

When I turned around it was just Niall and Lauren standing behind me. Before I could ask where everyone was, Lauren answered for me.

"They were cold; they're waiting in the car." She said and gestured for me to follow her. Nodding my head, I averted my eyes to Niall who was shuffling his feet on the ground. I wondered why he'd waited with Lauren.

Unfortunately, in the car I'd ended up seated next to Jessica who wouldn't even look at me. It was still a mystery to me as to why she seemed to dislike me, but now I guessed it was something to do with Zayn. Niall was being unusually quiet too, but he was seated at the other side of Lauren, who was next to me. 

"He calls you angel?" She whispered in my ear once we were half an hour into the car ride, and Harry and Niamh were bickering over the radio. 

"What?" I replied with a confused expression.

"Zayn. He called you angel."

"I don't know, he's always called me that. I thought he just did it with everyone."

"He certainly does not."

I shrugged in response, and Lauren raised an eyebrow at me. Within fifteen minutes, we had parked the car a few streets about from the club since it was the closest spot we could find. It turns out I'd been worrying over nothing, since the ID Lauren had borrowed for me worked fine. Well, the bouncer hardly even looked at it. Even though I tried to stop myself, once we were inside moving through the crowds I found myself glancing around and trying to find Zayn. 

Suddenly, someone grabbed my shoulders causing me to jump. Expecting to find Zayn, I turned around but instead my eyes landed on Riley - the guy from the cafe when Zayn and I had went to London together. He grinned down at me before leaning towards my ear.

"Georgia, right?"

"Yeah! Riley?"

He continued to grin at me. "Who are you here with?"

"Just with friends." We were still struggling to each other over the music but we were managing. Just then, I caught Lauren gesturing for me to follow her out the corner of my eye. "I have to go, Lauren's calling me over."

"Oh, okay." Riley said, his facing dropping a little. "Save a dance for me?" 

"Sure." I responded and his face lifted again. "I'll see you later." With that, I followed behind Lauren until we reached a booth where everyone had seated. I had no idea how they'd managed to find an empty booth in such a crowded place, but I didn't question it since I knew I'd be grateful to have a seat later. 

As I slid into the both next to Niall, he already had two beers next to him and slid one to me. 

"How did you know I'd want beer?" I asked, smiling at him.

He grinned at me, clearly back to his usual self. "You can tell you're a beer girl. Plus that's all you drank at Harry's party."

One of the highlights of the UK was that the legal drinking age was eighteen, and I mentally thanked the Gods for that. Niall and I sat joking around to try and distract him from the fact Harry and Niamh were making out at the other side of the table. Jessica was having a conversation with Lauren but she kept glancing at me every so often. After two beers, Lauren pulled me into the sea of sweaty bodies that was the dance floor. We danced together for a while, until a guy asked her to dance which I encouraged her to do. As I was about to go back and sit in our booth, two hands grabbed onto my waist and I almost swatted them away until I saw who they belonged to.

"Fancy a dance, angel?" Zayn grinned at me.

"Why would I want to dance with you?" I teased in response.

Zayn shrugged his grin turned into a smirk. "Because you loved it so much the last time." 



Goosebumps appeared up my arms as Zayn lowered his head closer to my ear. "That dress looks amazing on you." I bit into my bottom lip, glad he couldn't see the blush that was surely forming on my cheeks in this lighting. 

"Are you drunk?" I asked carefully.

"Do I have to be drunk to compliment you?" 

"No, it just has less meaning if you are."

Zayn narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm a little drunk, but I thought the same when I was sober." 


"I'm serious!"

"I believe you!" I didn't.

"Now..." The previous smirk returned to his lips. "How about that dance?"

"Fine." I said, trying not to sound like I actually wanted to - which I really did. Zayn grinned down at me as my arms snaked around his neck for the second time since I'd met him. As much as I hated to admit it, Zayn had a huge effect on me since I'd moved here. Somehow he helped me forget about all my problems from New York by just looking at me a certain way. 

"Georgia?" A voice called from close by, and Zayn and I pulled from the way we were standing. Zayn was frowning as his eyes landed on who had distracted us. My eyes widened as they met Riley's which were looking at Zayn with a confused expression. 

"Uh, I'm going to find Louis and Liam." Zayn shouted over the music, rubbing the back of his neck. 

Biting my lip, I looked up at him. This situation had gotten so awkward and I didn't know why. "Wait..." I started to say but he was lost in the crowd. There was a hushed feeling of guilt in my stomach but I didn't know why - Riley had just tried to get my attention. 

"Sorry I didn't realize he was your boyfriend." Riley called with a sheepish smile. 

"He's not my boyfriend." I returned, and a smile reached Riley's face. 

"Does that mean it’s okay to dance now?"

I sent a glance in the direction where Zayn went before snapping myself out of it. Why was I even thinking about what he'd think? It shouldn't even matter.

"Sure." I finally replied. Riley's grin widened and he slid his hands around my waist. 

He smelled strongly of alcohol but I brushed it off and danced with him anyway. We danced for a good hour, and he bought be a few more drinks during the time so I was starting to feel an effect myself. 

"Are you having fun?" He leant towards my ear and said. 


"Come with me." 

I pouted my lip but he held out his hand to encourage me. Reluctantly, I slid my hand into his and followed him, not realizing where we were until I felt the brisk night air. Glancing around, I noticed that we were in an alley behind the club. 

"What are we doing out here?" I asked curiously. 

"This." And with that Riley pressed his lips against mine. Slowly at first, as if to see my reaction. At first I was wary, but not seeing any harm that kissing could do I started to kiss him back. He smirked into my lips and I returned it. The kiss got a little more heated as his hands squeezed my waist to pull me closer. A small pain was felt on my bottom lip, and I opened it to give him entrance. 

Riley pushed me back a few steps so I was against the wall, his hands wandering all over my body. One of his hands found its way to my ass and squeeze gently, causing me to frown a little. The same hand then slid down a little more to the bottom of my dress and started to move it up. Annoyed, I swatted his hand away as we still continued to kiss. Riley pulled away. 

"What is it baby?" the difference in his tone of voice sent chill's through my body - and not good ones. 

"I've met you once." 

"And I've met you once. Now that that's clarified..." Riley crushed his lips against mine again despite my trying to shove him away. His hands were trying to now push the sleeves of my dress down. 

"Riley, stop." I demanded, pulling away from his mouth but he ignored me and moved his lips to my neck. 

"Riley, please ju-" 

Suddenly, Riley wasn't against me. He'd almost been ripped from me, and before I could question what had happened l saw my answer. 

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" Zayn growled, holding Riley's shirt in balled fist at his chest. 

"I-I..." Riley stuttered, not knowing how to answer. Not knowing what to do, I fixed my dress and just stood watching. 

Zayn loosened the grip on Riley's shirt a little. "I have the right mind to beat the shit out of you right now." 

"I'm wasted and I could still beat you." Riley spat back, suddenly seeming confident. The two boys were about the same height, and were staring into each other's eyes aggressively.

"When you're wasted you can fight efficiently but you can't tell when a girl wants to sleep with you or not? Wouldn't brag about that, mate." 

Fury crossed Riley's expression and his fist lifted swiftly towards Zayns face, causing me to gasp. Fortunately, Zayn dodged the blow. I looked between the two frantically not knowing what to do.

"Big mistake." Zayn said and I saw his hand clench into a fist. 

He started to lift it, and I knew I had to do something or they'd both end up hurt. 

"Stop it!" I cried and both their heads turned to me. "Just stop, okay? Please!" 

Riley looked at Zayn, who was looking at me with narrowed eyes, and took the opportunity to turn and speed walk out of the alley. Zayn noticed this, and turned to follow him but I stepped forward and grabbed his arm. His face was hard when he looked at me, with his jaw clenching.

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