twenty four - technology

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"Be my girlfriend."

As soon as the words left Zayn's mouth my heart jumped in my chest. Sure we'd admitted our feelings for each other and acted like a couple, but it's never really been made official. Maybe that was the problem - maybe that was why it wasn't working out as well as I'd expected it to. We'd never really put a label on it, which probably meant there wasn't the same amount of trust as there would have been if we were boyfriend and girlfriend. So there was obivously no doubt in my mind that I was going to say yes. Even though I may have played with him a bit before giving him an answer.

"Is that a question or a demand?" I asked with a smirk whileI queezed his hand.

Zayn licked his lips before shrugging with a small smile. "A mixture of both."

"Hm, I don't know..."

"Angel." Zayn groaned and buried his face into the crook of my neck and sliding his arms around my waist. "Don't do this to me."

"Do what?"

"Just say yes so I can fucking kiss you."

This caused my smile to grow even wider, even though his face was still leaning on my shoulder so that I could feel the breath of his words as he spoke, "How do you know I'm going to say yes?"

"Because you're still here."

He'd got me with that one, and pulled me closer to him with a grin, before brushing my hair behind my ear and leaning closer to me, "So, what do you say?" He whispered, his warm breath fanning across my ear.

"Y-yes." I muttered, not being able to concentrate never mind speak properly with Zayn so close to me.

"Yes what?" He prompted, kissing the spot just below my ear. He was driving me crazy.

"I'll be your girlfr-" I hadn't even finished my sentence before Zayn crushed his lips into mine.

Just as I was about to deepen the kiss, my phone buzzed in my pocket and naturally killing the mood. Zayn groaned and muttered something about not checking it into my neck, which I ignored and pulled my phone out of my back pocket. My body froze up when I glanced at the words 'Unknown Number'. I'd never recieved more than one in a day - and that scared me more than usual. I didn't even bother to read the text before shoving it back into my pocket. Zayn lifted his head to look at me.

"You alright, angel?" He questioned with a concerned expression, "You look kind of, I don't know, pale."

A small breath was let out to try and compose my shaking body a little, before planting a fake smile on my face and squeezing his hands. "I'm fine. Let's go see everyone downstairs - but first I need to pee."

Zayn nodded, "Cool, I'll wait."

"No, no - it's fine. Go ahead and I'll be down in a minute. I bet Liam's down there with Lauren and will wanna see you, right?"

Zayn looked at me with an unreadable expression before nodding and planting a kiss on my forehead, "See you in a few."

"You too."

As soon as Zayn pulled the door closed behind him and I could hear his footsteps going down the hallway, I pulled my phone out and unlocked it - my heart already racing in my chest. The message read:

"You've been in there a while, G. Making up with your little boyfriend? Be at the diner along the road by 8:45pm Wednesday - alone. No loverboy. No blond Irish buddy. No one. Looking forward to it! --- Tick tock :)"

All I could do was sit and stare at the message in shock and fear. Should I go? Of course I wanted to know was harassing me but there was a part of my mind that kept drifting back to my father, I mean, I couldn't think of anyone else who disliked me enough to mess with me over the phone. At least I had four days to make up my mind. God, I was really fucking scared. 

As I took a deep breath, and checked my appearance in the front camera of my phone, another thought struck me. Should I tell Zayn? He was the only person who knew about my past... but then he'd insist on coming, or me not going. Something was telling me that nothing good could come from me not keeping my mouth shut. Whether or not this was someone just pranking me, I couldn't take the risk of hurting myself - or anyone else. 

"Fuck, fuck." I breathed to myself, rubbing the bridge of my nose. 

All I wanted to do right that second was go to my room and curl up on my bed and cry. But there were people waiting on me, and some of said people would know something was up if I just dissapeared, and wouldn't stop getting on at me until I told them every terifying detail of my new stalker who seemed to know something they shouldn't about me. And while I kept trying to convince myself that it was probably just a prank from someone who I'd pissed off and not realised, there was still a nagging section of my brain that was telling me that this was serious, and whoever this was was dangerous.

So I sucked it up - for the moment, at least. And a few minutes later I was walking into the games room and almost immediately finding Zayn. who was deep in coversationg with Louis and Harry. He glanced up from the sofa and sent me a huge grin before returning to his conversation. I opted to talk to Niall, who was engrossed in his phone on the opposite soda, with his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration, tapping quickly as if sending a long text. 

"Hey," I said, placing a small smile on my face to attempt to at least act normal, "What's so interesting?"

Niall jumped slightly before glancing up to meet my eyes, "Oh, uh, just flappy bird. It's so frustrating." He locked his phone and slid it into his pocket, then turned his attention fully towards me. "So how's your day been?" 

Shit, I wanted to answer. But I didn't.



I don't even know what to say since I've basically said my whole apology in my last a/n but i really am soooooo sorry :(

I know this short chapter doesn't even begin to make up for this but I'm trying I rpomise!! I just really cant seem to find time for wattpad at all anymore, but I do think about u guys I promise!

I tried to make this interesting because it's short, and I hope I did ;)

love u all for sticking w me soooo much through my shittiness omg ♥ remember to vote n follow if you want :)

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