Chapter 3: He'll Be Home, I Promise

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Sergeant Joshua Gunner Gomez of the United States army.

Boy was I proud of him.

But being an army wife wasn't my ideal cup of tea.

He was on leave from Team Edge of course and we all missed him.

The night before his departure and the morning of, we made love together. We weren't going to see each other for a while and we put all of our passion and lust for each other into it.

As he left that day, I cried, watching him finally disappear, I dropped to my knees. I didn't know how long it was going to be.

In the first few days I spent my time with the girls. Rachel stayed with me for a week so I could have someone there with me,  and during the day the rest of the girls would come over.

A few mornings in a row, I woke up, my body not feeling too good. I felt nauseous.

This can't be what I think it is. I said to myself. I mean, he's been gone for 3 weeks, and I mean I guess it's possible that it happened before he left.

Time to go to the pharmacy. I picked up 2 tests so I was able to double check.

Two positive tests.

I. Was. Pregnant.


Why did you have to leave before this happened, Gunner. I said to myself.

I picked up the computer and skyped Rachel, Ceci, Jen, Amy, Signed, Steph, Dani, and Julia. When I told them I was pregnant (a/n yes I spelled pregnant right) I think Ceci had a heart attack.

"How many weeks?" Ceci asked.

When I replied with 4, she squealed. "I'm 4 weeks pregnant as well."

Holy shit. We we're gonna have birthday twins.

"when are you gonna tell-"

*Skype video call ring*

"Hey I gotta go, its Gunner."


"No shit." I laughed.

Here we go.

I was shaking as I answered the call, and then I saw Gunners soft brown eyes.


"Hi baby." He smiled.

My heart melted at that smile every time.

"I have some news babe." I squeezed my hands together, biting my lower lip.

"Tell me!" He laughed. I don't know how he's gonna take the news. I'm scared.

So I just said it.

"Im pregnant."

His eyes were wide with shock, I couldn't read the emotion on his face.

S. H. I. T.

About 5 minutes of silence fell upon us, and I just looked at him waiting for a response. A look. Anything.

Was he angry? It's his, I would never sleep with another man. And the timing of his last night and our night together lines up with me being 4 weeks pregnant.

His eyes welled up with tears, "im gonna be a dad?" He smiled.


I was relieved and soon enough felt tears rolling down my cheek.

"Baby it's okay. I don't know when my next time coming home will be, but if there's any way I can do it, I'll be there." He choked out, tears we're pouring out of him like a waterfall. "I love you so much baby. You have no idea how happy I am to know we're having a baby together."

I smiled at the screen, crying tears of joy as I looked at him.

His face hadn't been shaven in about two days, and his facial hair made him look super attractive. I mean he's always attractive but damn.

"Hold on, let me grab something." He stood up and walked over to get something. He was wearing his tight workout pants and I smiled.

That. ASS.

"Babe, you been toning up your body?" I asked, giggling softly.

He shook his butt playfully and I grinned. His muscles we're so defined. God I loved every single ripple in his muscles, the curve of his jaw, his lips, oh God his lips when he kissed me. His shoulders, his arms, when my fingers interlocked with his. When I'd fall asleep in his lap on our late nights, he'd carry me to bed and change me into my nightgowns. When we'd go running on the trails, or just have a day at the beach. We'd go out and take photos together, of each other, nature, anything that was around. But, when I looked into his eyes, his beautiful, deep, chocolate brown eyes, my worries melted away. I knew I was safe. No one could tear this away from me.

"I love you." He said, smiling at me. "I miss you every day. The boys are so sick of hearing about you because that's all I talk about. My beautiful wife. I miss you so much everyday. But when I look up and see the moon, I feel like I'm right there with you. I'll be home, I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 07, 2016 ⏰

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