Chapter 1: The Beginning

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When I turned 20, I promised myself that I was going to move out to Los Angeles,  California to begin a life that I wanted to live.

I was an active vlogger, not too big on YouTube, maybe 100k or so subscribers at the time.

I was always a fangirl, and I wasn't ashamed of it. Get this, I had a fan twitter account dedicated to my favorite person at the time. Gunner Gomez.

So when I moved to LA the year I turned 20, I had the time of my life.

I even met the love of my life.

I had gone around, meeting people I looked up to for so long, becoming friends with people that I looked up to, like Markiplier, Tyler, and Ethan, (I even ended up getting my friend Ceci out and they started dating). One of my best friends was Amy,  Mark's girlfriend.

I don't know how it came to happen, but Amy and I just clicked. She was my best friend from that day on.
I usually spent my days with her while Mark recorded. Kat, Amy,  and I would take our stuff and go adventuring and exploring. Or just going out to do random silly stuff. Amy took me out to get my nails done one day and she asked me if I had seen anyone I thought was cute.

"I want to meet Gunner so bad." I smiled,  the nail technician was filing my nails.

"Oh, our Gunner?"

I blushed and nodded.

"We're going to the studios for a party tomorrow,  if you'd like to come." She winked.

"Amy are you gonna try to set me and him up?" I groaned, smiling.

"I'll work my alien powers somehow." She winked.

That girl I tell ya.

I showed up the next day to meet up with Amy and Mark and their group of people, (including Ceci and Ethan.) I was in a nice pair of skinny jeans, a cute sweater, my makeup done really awesome, and my hair curled and down to the middle of my back.

We drove to the studios, and I got out and we walked in. Mark introduced me to everyone, and then he walked in. Yes. Him. The one I had a fan twitter for. The one I had fallen for over the internet. Yes. Gunner Gomez.

My hands immediately started to shake a little bit, and I looked at Ceci and Amy. Amy kind of nudged me over to him, but Matthias cut in before I could say hi.

Really Matt...

I never got to meet Gunner that night, but Matthias offered me a job at the studio. I came in the next day,  ecstatic for my new job as an intern at Hi5 studios. Matthias showed me around,  introducing me to everyone. He made it feel like home. Then he walked me to the little office I liked to call Gunner's Cove, in the vlogs.

There he was. It was like a movie when he turned around, the slow motion, the music in my head.

"And finally, here's where you'll be working. This is Gunner."



I was working alongside GUNNER.

Bless my beating heart. He was smiling at me. Me. Yes ME. ME. ME. ME.

"Hi, I'm Gunner."

And what do I reply with?

"I know. I'm Nikki."

Why did I have to say I know. I probably seem like a stalker.

Then a sense of recognition hit his face.

"I know you." He smirked.

"No you don't." I blushed.

Shit. Shit. Shit. The fan page. I was screwed.

"You run my fan page." He laughed.


That's how our relationship started. It was an instant click with him.

Literally every day when I walked in, it was Gunner shooting me with a nerf gun, or Gunner handing me another deep fried food. Gunner was really into me, or at least I hoped he was.

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