Chapter Three

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Also, I changed the way I wrote this. Tell me at the end if it was easier to read!!


Chapter 3: Jade


"Don't stay out too late! You have to go to the lab!" Momma yelled as I was walking out the door.

"I know Momma!" I locked the door and got in my car. Jade had texted me telling me she was ready. I like this friend thing we got going. I smiled the whole drive to her house. I debated whether or not to walk up to her house and get her or text her. Is it bad manners to just text? Humans are so tricky when it comes to thing like this! I just have up and walked up to the door and rang the doorbell. I cute little girl answered the door. She was still in her night gown and had on one fuzzy sock.

"Good morning. Who are you?" She said while rubbing her eye.

"I'm Riana, I'm here to pick up Jade." I said and she smiled.

"Oh? And what do you-

-move Kiwi!" Jade said moving her out the way.

"Good morning beautiful." I said and she smile but then rolled her eyes.

"Good morning." Jade said and walked passed me. She has such an amazing body! How did I don't notice her before? I soon followed behind her and got in my car.

"You hungry? I'll get you something to eat." I asked think about how I forgot breakfast because Jade was the only thing on my mind.

"Are you messing with me right now?" She yelled sounding upset. I looked into her hurt eyes confused.

"No? I skipped breakfast to come get you. I don't want to eat in front of you. I'll feel bad." Her expression softened.

"Oh... sorry," she looked down and picked at her fingers," I thought you were picking on me because of my weight." Why do humans care so much? Although I don't find a lot of them attractive. Mostly because I'm used to how my kind look. But Jade is so freaking stunning.

"I would never do that. You have such a sexy body Jade." I said and she looked flustered before pulling the side of her jacket to cover her cleavage.

"You're a perv!"

"I just know what's beautiful when I see it Jade. And you are extremely beautiful." She laughed and looked away from me.

"I-I told you already!"
"I don't care. For someone who doesn't like me, your sure do like me. I mean your laughing and blushing so much."

"That's because you're a pervert Riana!" I wouldn't say that, but she mostly definitely likes it.


Having the Riana Cuevas walk me to all my classes was so embarrassing. I've always been on the opposite end of things. You know, listening to all the crazy stories about her. I sighed while working on this Christmas word search. I hate when teacher have nothing to give you so they give you crap work and still grade it! I wondered if I should text her- no! I just know she would use this against me! But honestly until now I would've never thought Riana was gay. Like she is literally the sexiest girl I've seen in this place!

"Fat bitch!" I turn to see the same girls from yesterday. I've only been here for two weeks and already got bitches bothering me.

"What now?" This is my last class today! Then I can go home!

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