chapter seventeen

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"I could not tell you if I loved you the first moment I saw you, or if it was the second or third or fourth. But I remember the first moment I looked at you walking toward me and realised that somehow the rest of the world seemed to vanish when I was with you."

-"Clockwork Prince", Cassandra Clare


Niall was practically bouncing up and down with excitement at the fact that he'd get to see his brother in a few hours. It had been years since they'd last seen each other in person; too many years in Niall's opinion.

Zayn watched on in amusement, one eyebrow cocked as Niall danced around their room, throwing some toiletries into his suitcase. Niall happily kissed Zayn for no reason, then started humming as he smushed more things into his suitcase.

Zayn couldn't blame him for being so happy, though. He knew he'd feel the same way if he only got to see his sisters once every few years. At the same time, butterflies erupted in his stomach. He had never met Greg in person, and he wanted to desperately make a good impression, no matter how many times Niall told him he would be fine.

"Zayn, you're thinkin' too hard about it! He'll love you, I promise!" Niall stopped in his tracks and offered him a gentle smile.

"Y' think so, babe?"

"I know so. Now hurry up!" Niall laughed as he walked out the bedroom door.

Zayn heard him go into the kids' room as he threw some books and a box of contacts in his suitcase.

"Niall, are we ready? It's almost time to go!" Zayn called, zipping up his luggage. He grabbed his case and his backpack, and set them by the door to be taken downstairs.

"Almost!" Niall called. Zayn finished getting Harry ready, then brought the kids' little suitcases and backpack for them downstairs as well. He checked his pockets for Niall's rescue inhaler and sighed in relief when he felt the cool plastic against his fingertips.

"Are you finished with your packing, babe? I'm bringing the stuff down!" Zayn called, slightly breathless.

"Yeah," Niall replied over his shoulder. "Thank you!"

Zayn then grabbed Harry's changing bag and set it atop his case, then went to go retrieve his husband's suitcase. Niall met him downstairs a few moments after, the boys all ready in some comfy clothes and their coats.

"We're not taking Harry's carseat with us then?" Zayn asked, brows furrowed.

"No." Niall shrugged. "It'd cost a bit more, and plus Greg said he's got an old one of Theo's Harry can use if we go anywhere!"

"Oh." Zayn sighed and looked at his watch. "Let's get going then, honey. We've only got a few minutes left until we really have to leave."

An excited grin broke out on Niall's face. All the skyping and the phone calls had lead up to this moment. Niall nodded, then went to go load the kids in the car. Zayn took what bags he could and put them in the boot, and when he came back, Niall had gotten the rest. Zayn slipped into the driver's seat, and when everyone was in and buckled, he took off for the airport.


"We're almost in, Denise, don't worry. Of course we'll make it on time! Yeah, alright, see you later!" Niall hung up his mobile and huffed, not telling her that his husband was currently getting religiously (and racially) profiled for no reason other than he was Muslim.

"I'm sorry, baby," Zayn sighed miserably. "If I had any idea that this was going to happen, Niall, I -"

"No, don't be sorry, Zayn! It's not your fault!" Niall reassured him as he took in their surroundings and mentally began to cry. The security guards had been passing nervous glances between themselves even before Zayn stepped up to have his personal items checked, and now they were being held back in a separate room for that reason.

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