Chapter Thirty-Five

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Chapter Thirty-Five

"He was trained in the Jedi Arts, my only conclusion is that it was a Sith Lord." I told the Council. Master Fisto and Master Jinn thought it would be a good idea for me to explain the encounter with Zeffan since I was the one who battled him in the first place. I guessed that that made sense, even though I hared speaking infront of the Council. I always got so nervous since I knew that they all were watching me.

"Stressed, you seem. Something about this Sith, you may not be telling us? Hm?" Master Yoda asked. I sighed, remebering the identity of the monster that had almost killed me. Then I spoke.

"I know who the Sith is." I said. The Council began to murmur to eachother in shock. I continued.

"When I was younger after my mother died and my father left my brother and I to fend for ourselves, he joined a gang callled 'The Rancor Slayers'. And in that gang was a Zabrak named Zeffan. After the leader of the gang, Zendara, was jailed, Zeffan took her place as her master's apprentice."

"How do you know, Padawan? How are you sure? What evidence do you have of this?" Master Windu asked me. I hated it when he acting like he knew everything.

"Because Zeffan and I actually had a civilized conversation that eventually lead to our duel. When I first saw him, I was shocked. Bewildered. I didn't know what to think. I asked him who he was, just to make sure, and he clarified my suspicions." I explained.

"You actually talked to him instead of engaging?" Master WIndu asked, shocked.

"With all due respect, Master Windu, but the way of the Jedi isn't violence. I was taught that speaking through our problems was a better solution-"

"Not when it comes to Sith."

"He didn't attack me, so I didn't attack him, Master WIndu. But I kept my guard up. I remember that I constantly had my lightsaber in my hand if things went wrong. It wasn't ignited, but it was still there."

"If he had attacked you and you weren't prepared, you would've been killed."

"But I was prepared. I had my guard up the whole time. I watched him closely and when he decided to attack me, I defended myself. And if I hadn't talked with him, I wouldn't have learned his true identity, now would I, Master Windu?" he glared at me. I could tell I was ticking him off. He was like a bomb, just waiting to explode.

"Why didn't you kill him when you had the chance?" Master Windu asked me.

"Murder isn't the way of the Jedi."

"It is when your life is in danger."

"But it wasn't at the moment. I had the perfect chance to kill him, my hand was wrapped around his neck, Master Windu. But it's not the Jedi way to kill someone when they are defenseless." I told him.

"He wasn't defenseless! He could've killed you at that second if he wanted to!" Master Windu shouted at me.

"With all due respect, I'm not some helpless little child, Master Windu. I have had enough proper training. I had the situation under control." I said calmly, knowing that my lack of anger-filled actions was driving him insane. I just stood before him, my hands laying at my sides, as if the argument we were having infront of the Council had no effect on me.

"If he has gone out and murdered innocent lives, the loss of those lives will be just as much your fault as it is his." Master Windu said to me, glaring at me. I could feel a knot forming in my stomach from what he had said.

"Enough, Master Windu." Master Luminara said, getting to her feet. I tried not to let that last blow hurt me, but it was still very painfull. I wanted to leave immediately, I didn't want to stay there. I could feel Obi-Wan's anger towards Master Windu flowing through the air.

"Isn't it clear enough that she had done what she has been taught to do? What more do you want from her?" Master Mundi said to Master Windu.

"But it's the truth! She had the chance to save countless lives by eliminating one, but she didn't choose that option." Master Windu said as he sat back down in his seat.

"I refuse to let you speak to my Padawan like that, Master Windu. She was only doing what she thought was right. What she was taught. If it's a crime to do what you're taught to believe in, then I'm afraid we're all guitly here." Master Fisto said as he came to my rescue.

"No, Masters. It's alright. If Master Windu believes what I've done is wrong, then I'm guilty. I shall take full responsibilty of my actions. I apoligize for not doing as you would've done, Master Windu. I will try harder to do what is expected of me." I said to him, bowing respectfully. I could tell everyone was shocked by my actions.

"Now if you'll excuse me, I have some important buisness to attend to." I said as I quickly strolled out of the room, past Obi-Wan and my Master. It had gone worse than I had feared. I quickly walked down the halls of the Temple, trying to get to the training room as fast as possible.

The doors slid open. Today fiddling with tools and metal wasn't going to satisfy me. Today I was in the mood to cause pain. Today I would be taking out my anger on one of the punching bags that Masters would use to help train their padawans in hand-to-hand combat.

But I wasn't in the mood for that. I walked over to one of the punching bags that wasn't being used. I made sure I was a respectable distance from it, then let out a long line of punches and kicks. The bags were top-knotch, impossible to break. But that wasn't my intention. I just wanted to get my anger out, I didn't want to break anything. I continued to beat up the bag. I'd hit it so hard that loud BANG sounds would echo through the room. I could tell everyone was staring at me. But I pretended not to notice. That's what I always did when I was in the training room. Just ignore them, and they'll eventually go away.

I didn't stop slamming my fists against the silver bag, my blows getting more and more powerful with each kick and punch. I imagined that the bag was Master Windu's face. Punch! I imagined he was doubled-over in pain. Kick! Now he was on the ground, begging for mercy. I was about to hit him again, but I refused to stoop to his level. As I was pulled out of my day-dream, I realized something horrible as everyone stared at me in pure shock.

I had broken the unbreakable bag.

Assassin (A Star Wars Fan-Fiction) Book 1Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ