Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

We landed on the outskirts of a small town on the planet Tatooine. I looked out of my window at the dry and dusty scenery. Desert. That's all the planet was, a massive desert with absolutely no end. I sat on my bed, thinking to myself if I should tell my master about my vision. I didn't want to worry him, he seemed under enough stress about the blockade that I just wouldn't want to add to the pile.

I changed out of my regular padawan clothing and into something that would suit the temperature of the planet more nicely. I changed out of my vest and tank top and into a white tightly fitted top that squeezed my figure. The sleeves reached stopp around three inches below my shoulders, where two silver cuffs kept them down. Then I changed out of my black leggings and white skirt and into white pants made out of the same tight fabric as my shirt that reached my mid-shins. Next I added a utility belt, white gloves, boots, and greenish-greyish sleeveless cloak.

Once I was finished changing, I took my long blonde hair out of it's braid. My long locks cascaded down my shoulders, my padawan braid joining the curls. I looked in the mirror at myself as I slid my small silver blaster into it's holster, next to my lightsaber. I figured that you always need to be prepared when the worst moment occure. Once I was done, I sat back down on my bed.

As I sat there, I heard the door slide open. I didn't look to see who it was, knowing that whoever it was would eventually inform me of their presence. Instead, I continued to stare out the window, even though the planet really wasn't anything special to look at. I felt my bed groan as someone sat down beside me. I was prepared for it to be anyone.

"I sense something is wrong." Master Jinn said beside me. I looked over at him, a concerned look on my face.

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"You're not telling me something I should know. Would you like to speak up?" Master Jinn asked. I could feel my heart racing. Had he found out about Obi-Wan and I kissing? How could he? I mean, we were alone. No one else was in the room, so how would he have found out?

"What are you talking about?" I asked him. He stood up and began to pace, making me even more nervous.

"Master Fisto has told me that you have been having visions lately. Would you care to tell me what they've been about?" he asked. I quickly stopped myself from sighing with relief. He hadn't found out about Obi and I.  Instead of looking as if a weight had been removed from my shoulders, I acted as if even more weight had been added to the pile.

"Well, in my visions I usually see people from my past. Every once and awhile I'd see Danik or Zendara, but the person who has appeared the most is actually Zeffan." I said to him. He gave me a confused look.

"Zeffan is a male Zabrak who was a member of the gang I once was in. He used to scare me all the time, the way he'd stare at me as if he wanted to strangle me to death. I used to have nightmares about him all the time when I was younger." I said to Master Jinn. Realization appeared on his face after I had given him the discription of Zeffan.

"I think I remember him. Was he the one with the black markings in his face?" I nodded, answering his question. I swallowed, then continued in a shaky voice.

"There is something else I must tell you, Master. It's about my latest vision." I started. He looked at me, ready to listen to what I was about to say. "In my vision, I saw four people. Three of them were Jedi, but the other was a Sith. I can't remember who the Jedi were exactly, but I could remember what the Sith looked like. And he looked exactly like Zeffan." I stated grimmly.

"Was Zeffan ever interested in the study of Sith culture?" Master Jinn asked me. I shook my head.

"But he was very close to Zendara." I said.

"How close, exactly?"

"As close as two people could be. Danik and I would joke about how they would always finish eachother's sentences and the way they were always together. I rarely ever saw them apart."

"Do you think Zendara could've taught him in the ways of the Sith?" Master Jinn asked me. I shook my head.

"Zeffan was very big-headed, always thinking highly of himself. It would've taken more than one girl to teach him in the ways of the Dark Side." I explained. Qui-Gon thought for a moment.

"Unless Zendara wasn't the teacher...." Qui-Gon trailed off. I knew exactly what he was thinking. I stood up, the gears in my head turning quickly.

"What if Zeffan was taught by the same person who taught Zendara? What if Zendara's teacher had been searching for a new apprentice after she was put in prison, and Zeffan volunteered willingly?" I asked. Qui-Gon smiled at me.

"Exactly what I was thinking." Master Jinn said with a grin. We both began to walk to the door. We exited my bedroom, strolling to the landing ramp. As we entered the boarding level of the ship, I saw R2 and Obi-Wan standing in the doorway.

"I still think this is too dangerous. Denali should stay here and Master Fisto should accompany you instead, Master. We both know the critical injuries she substained while on Naboo-"

"Don't worry about me, Obi-Wan. I'll be fine." I tried to tell him as Qui-Gon and I put on our cloaks.

"That's what you said before, but look what happened to you."

"Trust me, Obi-Wan. I'll be alright."


"Padawan Kenobi, I can take care of myself." I scolded him in a harsh tone. Just because I had nearly died once doesn't mean I can't handle myself. I had been on plenty of missions with my Master where my life was on the line, but I had survived. I hated it when people thought I was just a damsel in distress. Usually when people thought that about me, I'd kick their butt. Usually they'd end up with a bloody black-eye at the least if they were lucky.

Obi-Wan stared at me, shocked. I always called him by his first name. I had never been so formal as to call him 'Padawan Kenobi'. But he had asked for it. When you get on my nerves, you get told-off. I walked down the ramp, not looking back, R2 rolling by my side.

"Have faith in her, Obi-Wan. She is perfectly capable of watching out for herself. Plus, I'll be with her as well." I heard Master Jinn tell Obi-Wan.

'They just don't understand.' R2 said to me.

"You've got that right." I agreed with him as we strolled over the hot desert ground. I could hear Master Jinn's feet hitting the ground as he ran to catch up with R2 and I.

"Denali, wait." I heard him say behind us. I turned around and saw that Padme, Jar Jar, and Jeesa were with him as well. I smiled at Padme, which she returned.

"These three will be joing us as well." Master Jinn stated. I nodded, understanding what he meant, and we continued to walk in the direction of the small town we had landed near. The fact that Obi-Wan had absolutely no faith in me kept bothering me. I was determined to prove to him that I could take care of myself. I knew that by the time this mission was over, he'd know just how helpless I wasn't.

We entered the small village-like town. Small dome-shaped homes made of sand were the only houses that exsisted. I assmued that was reasonable since there were no trees around to use as wood to make real houses. I admired the imaginative thinking the people on the planet had used to adapt to their surroundings.

"What parts exactly do we need for the ship?" I asked Qui-Gon, knowing that that was exavtly why we were out here in the first place.

"The hyperdrive needs repairing. We'll search the shops for the right parts till we find what we're looking for." Qui-Gon stated. I was satisfied with his answer and didn't ask anymore questions after that. Many different people passed by us as we walked through the small dusty streets. I knew that many of them were crooks and criminals, theives and bounty hunters. I was thankful that I had packed my blaster, just in case things got ugly and I couldn't reach my lightsaber in time.

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