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The hospital was distant and unfriendly. Machines beeped and there was a constant hum of conversation. Nurses and doctors shuffled around busily.
I sat in a room that was grey and red.
Emergency waiting room
The sign was haunting. It loomed above my head, reminding me why I was here.
Dan had been rushed back. We had been separated. I wasn't told where he was going or for what. Only that I couldn't see him.
I tapped my heel vigorously, trying to distract myself from how cold I was and the longing I felt in my heart.
A woman with streaked mascara gave me an angry glance from the other side of the room so I stopped.
I had managed to keep my tears from running down my cheeks so far. My heart pounded. I couldn't take it anymore. I had been waiting for an hour now. I just needed some information.

I stood up and walked up to the information desk. There was a thin woman with purple scrubs. Her black hair was tied up in a bun. Her cheeks had a pink color to them.
She looked up from a clipboard and smiled sweetly.
      "Hello sir. Can I help you?" She asked in a thick northern accent.
      "Yes-uh, I'm waiting for-for Daniel Howell. They haven't told me anything." I said.
      "Oh Daniel, yes." She said, her perky mood dimming a bit, "He is in surgery now-"
       "Surgery?" I exclaimed, more to myself than to her.
      "It says here he was admitted with a minor head contusion. They are performing surgery to remove blood and repair damaged brain tissue." She explained.
I sighed.
"How long will that take?" I asked.
"It will be another few hours. Brain surgery is a delicate process." She replied.
"Will he be alright?"
Her eyes locked with mine.
I knew she was debating wether to give me a directed answer, or tell me straight forward.
"It's hard to say." She said, not putting up a false layer of hope," but we have the finest surgeons in the country here. Daniel is in good hands."
I nodded, knowing she was just trying to make me feel better. I noticed her eyes grow concerned. That's when i realized I was still trembling.
      "Are you alright?" She asked.
      "Oh-yes. I'm just uh recovering from a fever." I said.
She straightened up a bit.
"Can I get you a blanket?" She offered, "our blankets aren't the best but they're something."
I thought for a moment.
"That would be great, thanks."

After she got me a blanket, I went back to my waiting room chair and wrapped it around my shoulders. I noticed the woman who had given me the angry stare was gone. In fact I was completely alone in the room now. I tapped my foot again.
Another few hours.
I thought.
How am I going to sit through another few hours?
I sighed and slid my phone out of my pocket.
More comments.
I slid my phone open and decided to try and answer a few.
But as I scrolled, there were too many to answer.
Suddenly had an idea.
I opened twitter.
Hey guys. I know you all have questions. Going live on YouNow to answer them in a few minutes.

I logged onto YouNow and started a live feed. Thousands of people flooded in.
I looked at myself in the camera. I was a mess. Shaggy hair, reddened eyes, and shaking.
But I didn't back down.
"Hey guys." I said quietly, "how are all of you?"
Comments sped through the screen.
Most of them were worried about Dan. And the video.
"So you've all seen the video then?" I stated more than asked.
"I thought I'd tell you all, we are in Hospital now. Well, Dan is but uh, I'm here... in the waiting room."
You look awful.
"Well I suppose I should explain. I've been very sick for the past few days. Dan was taking care of me. And today-"
I glanced up at the time.
1:00 am
"Well, uh, yesterday I suppose... Dan went to restock on medicine and milk and such when he uh- well you know. Uh."
What is happening to Dan in the hospital?
"Dan is in surgery now. And will be for the next few hours. He suffered a head contusion and uh- well I don't know much about it other than it is a delicate process. Removing blood inside and repairing damaged brain tissue."
Poor Dan!
Is Dan going to die?
My stomach dropped. I had been pushing that thought away. But it suddenly crashed down on me.
"I've been told they have the best surgeons in the country here. So I'm sure he'll be fine."
I said, trying to convince myself as much as the fans.
I kept the live show going for nearly an hour and a half, talking about Dan and how he had taken such good care of me. I didn't answer many questions throughout it until one caught my eye.
Do you love Dan the way he loves you?
My heart pounded.
"Do I love Dan the way he loves me?" I thought for a moment, "I-I.. well I do love Dan. Very much. But I'm not sure he loves me that way.. I mean I don't know."

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