Chapter 10

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The journey back was as nothing I had ever felt before. With an open wound in the form of Azogs Mace implanted in my side, the exhaustion, and the surging pain.

I left as soon as the devastating battle had ended. I couldn't risk been caught in the midst of the settling dust and the falling sun.

I barely remember the great journey back.

It always flew through my head. But that wasn't the point right now, well, it was, but I needed to get back.

A cut on my lower lip from the weapon of an Orc stung, and my head pounded with each step I took. I brought my hand up to my cheek as I felt another surge of pain. I lowered my hand again, only to see more blood, dripping from my forehead. My excruciatingly large forehead. I don't think it was that huge but I'd always been self-conscious about it. It bugged me, really. It was awful, or what I saw was.

My head spun. I clutched my sword at my side and continued on.

I had my doubts.

But I would get there. It was only a matter of time and patience, and keeping in mind that I had done this for the sake of one.

One person.

And my people. Can't forget that.

And that's why I did this in the first place. And why I would see it done.

For the same reason.

I passed the Misty Mountains once again. But it was mostly a blur, after that battle, I had my mind on the pain. So every thing and anything that went on around me, I brushed off as my feet caused a surging pain to shoot up to my head.

Time, and by time, I mean a few days passed.

I reached Mirkwood.

I looked up at the forest, the trees stood tall, somewhat lifeless. It had been grey ever since I left the Ettenmoors. No sun shone, just grey.

I hadn't recovered in the slightest. Only my head. It didn't pound with every step.

I sighed and began to walk into the faint trail of Mirkwood. It was covered by old, stringy grass and roots spiralling from the ground, just like before.

After all the tripping I did, I still didn't take notice, I already had wounds all up and down my hands and knees.

Hours later, I was still walking. Hallucinations started. Fatigue set in. But I managed to shake it off after running into several trees. I heard a branch break to my right.


I drew Arvendel as I crouched down. The spider drew towards me. It was fast approaching.

I shot up and ran at it, driving my sword into it's head, then slicing it out as I heard another loud screech behind me. I shot my head back as I readied my sword. But before my swing hit the creature, now 3 feet away from me, an arrow pierced it's side. It fell to the ground.

I looked around. Up in the trees. At my sides. I turned behind.


Until something landed behind me.

I shot a turn as I held Arvendel. it was an Elf.

"What is a... Dwarf, doing in these parts." She looked down at me.

I glared up at her. She was tall, slim and had brown eyes along with auburn hair.

"Is that any of your business?" I shot at her.

Another Elf dropped down from a tree. A he-Elf.

"Avalinn, my dear, what's happening?" He put a hand around her waist as she held a dagger, as if ready to attack if I tried something.

I held Arvendel in my hand for but the same reason as she held the dagger. I wasn't one to trust another race.

"A Dwarf has entered Mirkwood." She stated.

"What of it?" I demanded.

The blonde Elf looked at me. "What are you planning on doing about this?" He asked, smiling.

They spoke again in what I believe was Elvish. I understood not a word of it. Not that I expected myself to.

I cringed as I realized something. This was Legolas of the Woodland Realm, son of Thranduil. I have heard of him, not so much of her, other than she was to be the wife of him or something like that.

"She is of no use to us." Legolas stated.

I kept my glare upon her.

She quickly drew her bow and pointed it at my head.

"I demand to know what happened to you Dwarf." She insisted.

"What's it to you?" I snarled.

Legolas looked at me, then back at Avalinn.

"I will not hesitate to put this arrow through your skull, Dwarf." She growled.

"Very well." I started. "I came from a battle in the Ettenmoors but a day before. I was defending my kin."

"Ah, and Thorin, the Dwarf prince ventured into that battle. We spotted him and three others only a few days ago." Legolas took his hand off of her side.

"They are unaware I was on the journey." I explained, still keeping my glare upon them.

"And what is that quest to you?" Legolas questioned.

"I believe that isn't your business, Elf."

"You speak of this journey, yet Thorin had not known you'd come. Why?" Avalinn lowered her bow.

"This is our quest, and ours alone." I barked.

I began to walk away as I shook my head. I was immediately stopped. I glared up at the holder of the dagger that stood in my way.

"There is something about this Dwarf that she is not telling us." Legolas looked at Avalinn.

"Why would you go behind, if not with the Dwarves?" She looked down at me, still holding the dagger in my way.

"I went to ensure the safety of Thorin and my people." I snarled.

"Well well well, this female Dwarf, surprisingly free of a beard, is protective of the Dwarf prince. May it be that she has feelings for him? A peasant, grown fond of royalty. That's unfortunate. Leave Mirkwood, Dwarf." Legolas stated.

"Very well." I nodded as I began to walk.

Legolas placed his hand on Avalinn's shoulder as they began to walk in the other direction.

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