Chapter 7

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The end of the mountains. It was over. Or at the very least, that part of this journey was over. Now the Ettenmoors. They were not far. Perhaps a few miles.

The day became greyer, and the clouds closed in. Although it wasn't cold, it felt heavy.

Staying behind all this time was difficult. Farin and Barin would occasionally look back out of boredom, and Dwalin would rarely, it was enough to leave me tumbling to the nearest tree or rock for some sort of cover.

But there was no way I was staying back for this journey.

We walked. Just as we did for the entire quest. My footsteps picked up as they inquired the knowledge that battle was not far. The ground was uneven and difficult to walk on. But this was the Ettenmoors, I expected nothing less.

Dwalin walked with his axe in hand.

Farin and Barin aquired sticks, which they were using to help them walk. Not that they needed it.

Farin picked up his stick and drove it into Barin's side.

"What are you doing nitwit!" Barin shot.

Farin let out a laugh as he dropped the stick and continued walking.

Barin walked up behind him and stuck the stick at his ankles, tripping him. He did a good face plant. And I couldn't help but giggle.

"Barin! You overgrown imbecile!" Farin grabbed The other brother's ankle, pulling him down.

The brothers scrapped on the ground, throwing mud at each other. Dwalin walked towards them.

I was forced onto the ground, with little coverage, only grass. I tried to roll to a tree nearby. But Farin noticed something move; me. I squeezed my body, hoping he didn't see.

Barin gave him a punch in the face as they scrapped on the ground.

Lucky for me, Farin turned to get his revenge and punched him back.

"Get off the ground you idiots." Dwalin glared.

Thorin stopped. He looked behind and gave Dwalin a nod.

The brothers got up. Farin gave Barin one last push onto the ground as they picked up their weapons and began to walk.

I got up and began to walk as well.

We reached the borders of the Ettenmoors.

Thorin turned, "We may be few in numbers, but we will contribute as if we were a full army."

"How do you suppose it will be?" Barin asked.

"No matter how it shall be, we will fight, fight for our people." Thorin firmly responded, raising a fist into the air.

"Let's move." Dwalin came in.

We moved only another mile, it was more open than the forests in the Misty Mountains, but I maintained my distance.

We came over a slight hill, I came to nearing the top when I saw it; an army of Dwarves from the Blue Mountains, in armour, preparing for battle. Wielding weapons forged with great detail. Thorin and Dwalin walked steadily up to the army. I stayed behind the hill, under a tree. Farin and Barin clutched their axes and shuffled behind, looking all around nervously as if they were scared they'd be ambushed.

Thorin gave a few Dwarf-style hugs to some of the Dwarves as he walked past, clutching their right hands together and thrusting their chests onto one another and hugging the other with their free hand. Dwalin did the same.

I squatted and rounded to the back portion of the army. I lost sight of Thorin, which made me even more nervous, but he was unaware that I was there, so this was beneficial to the both of us.

The Ettenmoors were not what I had originally expected. It was dark, trees were lifeless, the land was dead. Foul with decay.

Grey. Very grey.

And pretty quiet. Other than the clinging of the Dwarves armour and weaponry.

An army of mighty Orcs & Wargs marched up the opposite side, lead by Azog; The Defiler.

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