Chapter 5: The Blowtorch

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Dean's POV
Two hours after I woke up Stiles there was a knock on the bunker door. I cocked my gun and slowly opened the door revealing the guy that took Stiles away the first time, Derek I think.

He narrowed his eyes at me and walked past me. "Why don't you just come in?" I sighed walking after the guy. He was carrying a duffle bag looking around skeptically. That is until Stiles and Scott came running in.

"Sourwolf!" Stiles yelled pulling Derek and Scott into a group hug. How can he be so chummy with monsters?

"Tattoos?" Derek asked pulling a blowtorch out of his duffle bag. "Jesus Christ" Stiles mumbled as Derek flicked the blowtorch on and sat Scott in one of the chairs giving him a belt to bite on. Is he seriously about to torch a teenager?!

By this point Sammy had joined us. "What the hell is happening Dean?" Sam whispered harshly looking concerned.

"We heal faster than humans, an ink tattoo will heal, so-" Derek explained pausing as he re-lit the blowtorch "We use fire" he smirked pushing the fire towards Scott's skin. The kids are tough, Jesus.

Scott barely flinched as Derek carved the anti-possession symbol into Scott's shoulder blade. He just squeezed Stiles' hand (until he had enough and passed out) and bit tightly on the belt, eyes glowing red.

"You're turn Stiles" Derek said pulling out another chair and putting a passed out Stiles in the chair.

"Don't you wanna you know... wake him up first?" I asked glaring at them. They were going to tattoo my kid while he was asleep!

"Trust us, you don't want him awake. Stiles+No medicine+Needles=Hulk" Scott chuckled holding his boyfriend down slightly as Derek pulled out a tattoo gun. Where did he get a tattoo gun?

"What medicine?" Sam asked curiously. I should've asked that, why would Stiles be on medicine? Is he sick?

"That's for him to tell" Derek said as he plunged the needle into Stiles' chest making him jump in his sleep. Was it so bad that they couldn't tell me why Stiles was on meds?

Stiles POV
I groaned peeling my eyes open. I don't know how long I was out but my chest was stinging so I could only assume Derek had given me a tattoo while I was out.

"Thanks Sourwolf" I chuckled standing up from the hard wooden chair stretching my back. Everyone seemed to be staring at me and it was kinda making me uncomfortable.

"What?" I asked looking down noticing there was blood steadily trickling down my chest. I let out a small 'oh' and held a napkin onto the blood, everyone seemed to still be staring.

"You okay Stiles?" Derek asked tilting his head at me. What de he mean okay? I felt great!

"I'm fine! I actually feel better!" I smiled jumping up and down making Derek and Scott crack smiles.

"Good, just making sure you didn't lose too much blood" Derek chuckled nudging me in the shoulder.

Derek pulled a bottle of pills out of his duffle bag and I silently thanked him for bringing my meds. I really didn't want to spazz out in front of the Winchesters.

He slipped them into my pocket and I smiled at him. I'm glad he's a responsible Sourwolf and remembered my pills.

I almost forgot Sam and Dean were there, Sam was reading some lore book in the chair I was passed out across from and Dean was staring directly at me. I sent him a questioning look and he burst.

"Are you on drugs?" Dean asked seriously making Sam's head snap up and mumble 'Dean' harshly. Scott, Derek, and I busted out laughing.

"It's a serious question!" Dean growled coming towards me. I backed up into Scott and he wrapped his arms around me protectively.

"I take medicine, I'm not on drugs" I chuckled nervously. I mean, Scott and I smoked weed from time to time but I wasn't necessarily on drugs other than my ADHD medicine.

"I have ADHD, it's no big deal" I said walking into the movie room with everyone in tow. Derek had bandaged my tattoo and I never got to see it. I wonder what it looks like.

"ADHD? I've heard of that before" Dean mumbled to himself causing Sam to slap him on the back of the head.

"Of course you've heard it before dumbass, all your teachers thought you had it" Sam chuckled plopping down on the love seat.

Dean blushed and looked down at his feet and I patted me feet anxiously. I really needed some fresh air. I'm slightly claustrophobic and it just all the sudden hit me.

"I-I need some air" I yelled running up the stairs. Dean tried to go after me but Scott stopped him. This had happened a lot before sadly.

I swung open the bunker door and breathed in the cool fresh air. It felt like it had been eons since I'd been outside.

I started walking down the gravel driveway and ended up coming to a stream. I sat down on a stump and kicked rocks into the clear water. I sat there for probably an hour just listening to everything around me. That is, until I heard heavy footsteps.

I whipped my head around and came face to face with a brown haired boy with big brown eyes that was probably almost six foot tall. My pulse immediately started racing and I gulped back my fear.

"Hello Stiles, I'm Zeke" he smiled holding out his hand and flashing his fangs. Oh god.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2016 ⏰

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