Chapter 2: The Pack

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Stiles' POV
I woke up with another searing pain in my head. Damn I hate being put to sleep.
I sat up and stretched opening up my eyes, when my vision unblurred I almost screamed, luckily I didn't.

"Scott?! What are you doing here? You'll get killed!" I whisper yelled pulling my boyfriend into a hug. I really missed him.

"The rest of the pack is outside the bunker, we followed your smell here" he whispered rubbing my back.

I pulled away from him giggling "dude, I love you and all but that's just creepy" he blushed and started playing with the hem of my shirt.

"You smell like pine cones. It reminds me of Christmas" he admitted sheepishly making me laugh and shove him off the bed.

"I smell like Christmas? What the hell?!" I laughed rolling onto the floor on top of him. I hadn't smiled this much since the day before I was kidnapped, which I'm guessing was about two weeks ago... I passed out a lot.

Our fun quickly plummeted though. I forgot that I was in a hunters house and that it wasn't just abnormal Saturday morning where Scott would climb into my room from the window and we'd make pancakes. Sam had to ruin it.

Our chuckles were interrupted by Sam barging through the door holding a gun. Scott protectively tried to get in front of me, red eyes glowing, but I clutched on to his side and pulled him behind me. Sam wouldn't hurt me, but he sure as hell would hurt Scott.

"Who's this?!" Sam yelled making me flinch. Scott grabbed onto my arm and growled lowly. Damn his protectiveness, it's gonna get him killed.

"Uhh... Sam this is Scott my boyfriend and Scott this is S-Sam my uncle" I introduced shaking as waves of anxiety hit me. It was almost like the whole entire pack could since the verge of my oncoming panic attack because I'm the blink of an eye Derek, Isaac, Lydia, and Allison pushed Sam to the side and ran to me protectively.

I had calmed down a whole lot until Sam got off the ground and yelled "Dean! I need help!" Causing heavy boot steps to run down the hall. "Oh no, my dad's coming" I whispered hyperventilating again passing out on Isaacs shoulder.

Dean's POV
"Dean! I need help!" Sam yelled from down the hall. I sent Sammy to go wake up the kid while I took a shower, but right when I stepped foot in the shower he yelled.

I quickly threw my clothes back on and ran down the hall cocking my gun. Sam was standing in front of the door with his gun up and his mouth wide. I quickly realized why when I saw a group of teenagers sitting on Stiles' bed while he was passed out on some curly haired boy, that must be Scott. Wait... is my son gay?

"Who the hell are you guys?" I grunted holding my gun up higher. One of the guys with gelled hair got up and walked towards me with his hands in the air. His eyes flashed red and it dawned on me that this was his pack.

"I'm the alpha, m'names Scott" he grunted holding out his hand. Neither me or Sam shook it. There's a bunch of werewolves in my sons bedroom while he's passed out.

"You should leave" I stated cocking my gun. He held his arms and the air and smiled. "You really gonna shoot a bunch of seventeen year olds? Especially a seventeen year old hunter?" The alpha asked smirking. A hunter? What the hell!

"A hunter?" Sam asked confused, lowering his gun a little. The alpha smirked knowing he had Sam. He waved his hand and a girl with black hair walked up smiling.

"Allison Argent" she smiled holding her hand out. This time Sam shook her hand and their alpha glared at us.

"Aren't you supposed to be killing them? They're monsters!" I yelled making smiles jump awake in the curly haired boys arms.

"Oh hey Isaac" Stiles smiled slightly hugging the curly haired kid named Isaac, that is until their alpha growled making Isaac release Stiles.

"They're not monsters, they're my family. You don't kill family" Allison said sternly. This time a guy with spiked hair got up and walked towards us, he looked a few years older than the others.

"I hate to rush your little get together, but we've gotta go, come on Stiles" he said putting his arm around Stiles and trying to walk past us. He tried.

"You're not taking my son" I said stepping in front of the door. "Look, he's not your son he's John Stilinski's... just cause you produced him doesn't mean he's yours. Real dad's can be jack asses" Isaac said walking towards us glaring at me. What the hell is that kids problem.

"Okay okay, lets talk about this in the living room" Sam said walking away. What the hell?! He's inviting werewolves to our living room?!

"Come on babe" the alpha said picking Stiles up and carrying him upside down making him chuckle. He's dating the alpha?! Not only is my son gay, he's also dating the alpha of a ragtag group of teenage werewolves!

"So... first things first, who are all of you?" Sam asked running his hands through his hair. Sam seemed to have relaxed a bit around them, but I don't trust monsters.

"I'm Scott McCall a werewolf, that's Derek Hale a werewolf, that's Allison Argent the hunter, Isaac Lahey a werewolf, Lydia Martin is a banshee, and Stiles is my boyfriend" the alpha chuckled making Stiles blush, how could he even dare to date a monster?!

"I'm Sam and that's my brother Dean, we're the Winchesters" Sam said putting his gun away. I glared at him, he can't be trusting them can he?!

"Well Sam, when can we take Stiles home? His dad's got all of Beacon Hills looking for him. He's the sheriff" Lydia asked twirling her hair. I bet she's a real prom queen.

"Stiles is staying here, he got kidnapped when he was with you, and no offense but we're more reliable than a bunch of teenagers" I spat glaring at all of them. Even though I just met him, I feel like I have to protect Stiles.

"Bullshit!" Scott growled, his eyes turning red "Every time something happens we're ready! Stiles is safe with us, safe with ME. He's got his pack and all the police in Beacon Hills looking out for him, he's safest at home" the kid yelled pulling Stiles into his lap, eyes blazing red. I pulled my gun out at the alpha. I definitely didn't trust him.

"Don't touch my son, you'll kill him" I growled standing up. "Oh I've done way more than just touch him" The werewolf smirked rubbing Stiles' back as he blush mumbling a halfhearted 'shut up'.

"You son of a bitch" I yelled reaching across the table to grab him. Stiles stood up and shoved me into Sam who held me so I wouldn't go after Scott again. Damn, Stiles is stronger than he looks.

"Stay away from him! You may be my birth father, but you'll never be my dad! Come on guys!" Stiles yelled pulling his boyfriend up the bunker stairs. "You're just like my father" Isaac grumbled following the others up the stairs.

"What are you doing Sam? Let me go!" I yelled trying to kick out of my brothers grip. Why is he letting my son run away?! "We'll get him back, just give him time" Sam whispered as the bunker door slammed shut

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