The Winners!

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And.... you guys been waiting or this.... I guess owo

The winners are:

-Arya Pangga Diya

-Cherryann Ayroso

Here's a mini story of it~:


Akio: *woke up* Where in the world am I?

Gray: *still reading a book* That's what I wanna ask also

Akio: *sweatdrops* I-I see 

*a shiny light appear upon them*

Gray: *covers his eyes with his book* Too bright

*the light suck them in*

Gray & Akio: *got sucked in the light* WOAAH---  


Akio: C-can't see, Where are the light?!

Gray: There should be a switch somewhere.... *remembers* Oh hey you *points*

Akio: How could you see me if it's dark?!

Gray: Ah whatever.. *gets lighter then lights (lel)*

Akio: *vein* ... *sees a dude in (idkhowtoexplainthis)* What in the world.....?

???: You have been chosen...

Gray: Hm? Keitoku? Is that you? 

Keitoku: Oh for gacha's sake.. *removes his disguise*

Akio: Why are you here?

Keitoku: Welp, Reddox, Phantom and Cyko are also here you know?

Gray: Oh btw Akio..

Akio: What?

Gray: Where's Lyte?

Akio: Oh that dude? He *coughs* has a date with *coughs* (*coughs* Xiao *runs*)

Gray: Oh.. I see

Keitoku: *wears the disguise again* Follow me..

Akio: I'm hoping that this wont get to trouble...

Gray: *looks at the ground* *pokes Akio* Is it just me or the place we're going is like something that you don't wanna know?

Keitoku: actually you're correct *presses the button* 

*the floor where Gray and Akio opened*


Gray: *falls also* I knew it.


Gray: *looks down yet still falling* Oh look, spikes.

Akio: WHAT THE HELLL?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!

*spikes bounces them*

Akio: Huh? I thought that spikes suppose to be sharp?

Gray: look there's ground there *goes to the place where there is ground*

Akio: *does the same* What is this place?

???: This is the place where you will suf-- live forever. Follow me.

Akio: Who is this now? *whispers*

Gray: *whispers also* At any rate, we should that dude for a while.. *follows*

Akio: Well okay.. *follows*

*entering a dark path*

???: This path will lead you to your destination..

Akio: Should we use lighte-- Huh? Where is she now?

Gray: *uses lighter* Let's go, just ignore that..

(Will soon tell wat happened in the Behind the scenes book)

~~After 10 minutes~

Akio: Where are we now--

*popping noises*

Everyone except Them: CONGRATULATIONS!

*opens the light*

Me: Since you guys won on my event, I accepted this as a gratitude for you! *gives to prizes* (I'll post it later)

Gray: Thank you

Me: And for now... *gets food, whiskey, beer, drinks, etc* CHEERS FOR THE WINNERS!!!

Everyone: CHEERS~!


Im not sure If I destroyed some of the characters personality but congrats again! ^_^ I'll pm to you guys (the winners) Your prizes >w<


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