Early Morning Text Messages

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Cars and yelling could be heard in the background; A house could be seen, with a girl staring out the window. A strong feeling of loneliness came over everything as the vision changed to an open highway in the middle of a clearing. A sign posted said "Carrollton 15 miles." The visions started to change more rapidly becoming less clear, while the screaming increased getting louder and louder. "Rosanna!" Michael called out waking up sweating heavily from his nightmare. The name sounds familiar? Michael thought to himself.

Michael hunched over in his sitting-up position, gripping his head in his hands. Why does that name sound familiar? He looked up when he heard a knock at the door. Jebb peeked through the crack of the slightly opened door.

"Everything all right in here?" Jebb asked, sounding a bit concerned.

"Y-yeah. Just a dream..." Michael's voice faded off.

"Alrighty then, get back to sleep. You've got school tomorrow."

Michael nodded, and Jebb closed the door, leaving him to his thoughts. Michael laid down, trying to fall asleep. Soon he let out a sigh, sat back up, and grabbed his phone from the bedside table. Looking at the time, 3:08 am, he decided to text Cleo to see if she was still up. He knew it was a long-shot, but he did it anyways.

Michael: Hey you up?

Placing his phone in his lap, Michael stared at the screen waiting for a response. The screen went dark, before lighting up again, signalling a new text message.

Cleo: yeah. why? is something wrong?

Michael: No, nothing is wrong. You worry too much. Just couldn't sleep.

Cleo: oh. well, you have my attention. I couldn't sleep either...wanna finish our game? I think we were on question 4. I won't count that last one of asking to walk me too class as a question 😜

Michael: ok then, but it's your turn.

The response was instant.

Cleo: what is the last dream that you've had that you can remember?

Michael:Um, well it was dark, and cold. I know that sounds dark.

Cleo: hmm. That does sound ominous. Your turn.

Michael: What is your family like?

Cleo: oh gosh. They are REALLY weird. My dad is the typical strict I-gotta-meet-all-your-male-friends type of dad. My mom is just obsessed with the idea of me being in a relationship. But my little brother, Sabra, is absolutely adorable. Oh! And they wanted me to ask you over for dinner sometime.

Michael:Sorry can't i don't own a suit.

Cleo: haha. You don't have own a suit. Just nice jeans and an appropriate shirt.

Michael: Ok i think i have some jeans and maybe a collared shirt.

Cleo: perfect! It's my turn, right?

Michael: yeah

Cleo: ok... hmm... let's see... do you have any siblings? If so, what are they like?

Michael: I haven't seen my family in awhile. They've been away on business.

Cleo: oh. I see. Well, your turn

Michael: How old is your brother?

Cleo: he's 1 and a half.

Michael: That's cute. Your turn

Cleo: let's make this a little more fun. What's your favorite cartoon character?

Michael: I don't watch cartoons, often enough to have a favorite.

Cleo: oh.

Michael looked at the time. Had three hours really passed by?

Michael: ok. One last question from me before getting ready for school.

Cleo: ok then what's your last question?

Michael thought for a moment before answering.

Michael: what is the first thing you notice about someone when you first meet them?

Cleo: If they have a natural smile.

Michael smiled at the text.

Michael: see you at school, Cleo.

Cleo: Night, Michael.

Turning off his phone, Michael got up to go take a shower and get ready for school. 

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