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Michael walked into the science class and sat next to his lab partner Richard, who was already wearing his lab coat and measuring chemicals.

Richard glanced at Michael and turned back to his work, making a comment. "Dude, what was up with you at lunch today?"

"What do you mean? You were the one trying to hook up with her after she's been in school half of a day" Michael replied a bit annoyed.

Richard put his hands in the air, surrendering. "Sorry dude. Didn't know you had eyes on her."

"I don't have my eyes set on her, it's just...she's new to the school and I don't think she's ready for a relationship. I'm just trying to do the nice thing and be her friend."

"Sure you are. Just don't say that I didn't call it when something happens between you two." Richard rolled his eyes and turned a vial with chemicals in it.

"Whatever" Michael noticed Richard blindly grabbed the wrong chemical liquid, and was about to start pouring it into the flask.

"Wai-" The word didn't even leave Michael's mouth before the chemicals mixed in the heated flax.

Suddenly the mixture started to boil. "Uh-oh!" They both said.

"EVERYONE! TAKE COVER! IT'S GONNA BLOW!!" The entire class ducked as the room shook from the explosion resulting from the mixed chemicals.

The teacher looked up from under his desk to see, Michael and Richard with black and gray hair. Also ash on their desk from where the flask had been moments before the explosion.

The teacher shook his head with a small, humored smile on his face, when the classroom door slammed open. Cleo burst into the room, followed by the history teacher next door.

"What happened? We heard a bang."

"Just give us the detentions." Richard said as he grabbed his bag and walked out of the class, calling back to Michael, "Grab the passes from the teacher for us."

Cleo switched her gaze from Richard to Michael as he made eye contact with her. "No. I don't think I should grab that pass for you, Richard."

"Whatever." Richard replied annoyed. As he walked out of the class he made eye contact with Cleo. "Do you like bad boys?" Richard asked, winking as he continued to walk, not waiting for a response.

Cleo shook her head as she headed over to Michael. "Are you ok? What happened?"

"Lab explosion. I'll explain more later, I've got to go to the principal's office."

"Umm...why? The teacher hasn't even addressed you about the situation yet. From what I can see, and from the bang I heard, I would say that this is purely an accident. Also, from what I can see, the most damage that was done was to the poor flask that the chemicals were in." The entire class, including the teachers, stared at her, amazed at the analysis of the situation she so accurately made a hypothesis about.

"Yeah, well, we got lucky that the flask, and the table with the small acid hole in it now, were the only things damaged. This was an accident that also endangered 30 students' lives, anyway don't worry Cleo, it's all Richard's fault."

Cleo nodded, and turned to the teachers that were observing the exchange of words.

"May I accompany Michael to the nurse's office to check that he is definitely ok?"

"That should be fine, hurry along now. As for the rest of you get back to class." Cleo's teacher replied. The chemistry teacher agreed with a nod.

Michael and Cleo excused themselves, walking out to the hallway.  

"You know this isn't really necessary. I feel completely fine right now. This happens more often than you'd think." Michael said as he walked with Cleo down a hallway.

"I don't care. I WANT to walk with you to the infirmary...um...actually...where is the infirmary?"

"We don't have one." Michael said with a smile. " I don't know why the teachers let us leave. They probably don't care where we ended up."

"Oh..." Cleo looked down at her feet as they continued to walk, attempting to hide her embarrassment behind her long, brown hair.

"Hey..." Michael pulled Cleo aside, "It's nothing to be embarrassed about. I'm glad you care so much though."

She looked up at him with her green eyes, a hint of a smile adorning her features. "Thank you." She paused for a moment. "Well, what are we going to do now? After all, it's impossible to go to an infirmary that doesn't exist."

"I know just the place to go. Have you been to Jebb's Diner?"

She shook her head.

"Ok, follow me." Michael lead her out to the student parking lot and they found his car. "Come on and get in."

Cleo hesitated. "Are you sure it's ok to just ditch school like this? We still have math class, not to mention that it's only my first day! If my parents found out..." her voice drifted off to almost a mummer.

"It' alright, think of it as if we're going to the infirmary, milkshakes make everything better, and Jebb serves the best around town." Michael assured her as he jumped in the car and started the engine. "So are you coming or not?"

She hesitated still. "Promise that we'll get back before the period is over?"

"Of course I wouldn't break a promise to you." Michael replied as he leaned over and opened the door.

She climbed in, still slightly nervous. But she was also excited. I can't remember the last time I ditched school, Cleo thought. Then she scrunch her eyebrows. Scratch that. I do remember. She shuddered.

Michael, revved up the engine of his car as the two of them sped off towards Jebb's Diner. "So what's your favorite?" Michael said breaking the silence between them.

Cleo shrugged. "Wouldn't know."

"What do you mean you 'wouldn't know'? Haven't you ever had a milkshake before?" Michael asked.

Cleo shook her head, hiding behind her face again. The embarrassment was evident. "No." The answer was spoken very quietly.

"What?!" Michael rapidly and a bit recklessly pulled over. "You've got to be kidding right now." He said as he leaned over and looked at Cleo.

"I'm not kidding." Misunderstanding Michael's intensity for anger, Cleo visibly shrunk in her seat. It seems like she was trying to protect herself from an attack, Michael noticed. Why?

Michael let out a sigh. "I'm sorry it's just..." Michael noticeably struggled to find the words. "Milkshakes at Jebb's Diner, in a weird way, helped me get through some tough times when I was younger. I'd rather not talk about it here. Let's just continue on and I'll tell you later. Ok?" Michael reached out his hand for her to take.

The Egyptian girl glanced up at his face, seeing the sincerity in his face, and then looked back down at his hand. She took it, gently. It was big, and felt warm against her own hand. "Ok."

Michael started the car back up, and together they drove off. Never letting go of each other's' hands, Michael, watching the road, didn't notice Cleo's slight redness in her cheeks from her blushing.  

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