Just leave me Alone

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I know i didn't post in 2 days but here is a new chapter enjoy!
It has been 2 weeks since I have seen him since he has seen me. I still fear for my life I am afraid to leave the house, to go to the store.. to work because he knows where I am. Ever since that night that I left him he has called me everyday and left voicemails threatening me saying he would take me to court and take my son away. I wouldn't let that happen I let him see him so it won't Josh takes him and they meet in a public place for an hour. That is all I will let him see John, he doesn't care about him anyway he just wants to hurt me and hurt John. Josh and I have gotten closer he has been there with me and has helped me threw all the stuff with Ben, he has also been helping with John he would be an amazing father. He never gets mad at John like Ben did and is always there to help him and put him to bed I really wish we were still together I really wish he was the father of John and he was my fiancé but things always don't work out.

I put down my book and got out of my thoughts. Josh and John were in the backyard running around playing with the ball so I decided that I should go check on them. I walked over to the back door but before I opened it i stood there and saw how happy
John looks and how happy Josh looks. It breaks my heart I wish we were a happy family, I wish josh and I were together and that he never did cheat. If we were still together I would have never met Ben.. I would have never been in such an awful relationship and fear for my life but then I would never have had my beautiful son. Maybe one day we will be a happy family.. one day. I sigh and walk out the door "Mommy!" John said running to me "Hi stinker" I said picking John up "Are you boys having fun?" I ask looking at John and then to Josh. "Yes mommy! Daddy is teaching me how to throw a baseball" John told me with a big smile on his face. I didn't say anything back I was shocked by his words.. he called Josh Daddy, I looked over at Josh who was as shocked as me. "John sweetie did you call Josh yourself dad?" I asked and he nodded "Sweetie Josh isn't your dad.. Remember Ben? That is your dad" I try to explain to him "Ben is not my dad!" John yelled and wiggled out of my arms and ran inside. "John!" I yelled but it was to late he was already inside and off to who knows where. I turned to Josh and saw him standing there "He called me dad.." Josh said "I know i am sorry.. he just I guess has been spending time with you so much ya know but I will talk to him and make sure he doesn't say it again." I said walking towards him "He called me dad.. I can't believe it nobody has ever called me that and i have always wanted that to have a child. " He said as I watched a year exit his eye and run down his cheek "I always thought Alex would be the first one to call me dad.. my first son but hearing him say that makes me miss Alex even more but also makes me feel like he is my son even though he is not.. and I know I am not his father but one day I would like to be, I would like to be a family with you guys one day if everything goes out right.. I wanna start over with you" Josh says which shocks me "You wanna become a family with John and I? You wanna start over and give us another try?" I question making sure I am u understanding right "Yes" he says walking over to me. He takes my hand "Can we start over? Ever since you came I have started to fall back in love with you.. and I know I did cheat but I am so sorry and will never do it again! I will never do anything to hurt you, I have never stopped loving you" Josh said with a smile "I have always loved you Row-" I cut him off by kissing him. I have never stopped loving him either deep down inside I wanted us to become a family again. I felt him kiss back which made me feel even better, I know we kissed a while ago when I first left but ever since then we haven't and I didn't know if he still felt the same but now I do. I pulled away from kissing him "I have never stopped loving you. I would love to start over" I said smiling "Yes!" Josh says which makes me laugh "Now let's go inside and try to talk to John" I said grabbing Josh's hand and bringing him inside the house. We walked around until we found John in the guest room which is now his room on his race car bed that Josh bought "Sweetie" I say walking over to his bed "Go away!" John says "Sweetie listen to
Me please Ben isn't your daddy okay" I pause and look at Josh who is standing next to me "Josh is or might be depending on how things go okay?" I tell John "Are we going to be a family?" John asked
"We will try to be Josh and I are going to try and become more than friends" I told John "Like married!" John said and jumped off his bed "Maybe later on but for now Dating" I tell him I can't help but to smile at his happy face "Oh okay" John says "Well I hope we will all be a family and mean Ben will go and be all alone" he says "Yup well now it is nap time okay?" I tell John and he nods his head. I change him into his pjs and tuck him into bed and Josh and I leave the room quietly.

Josh and I make our way to the living room when my phone starts ringing I pull out my phone and see who is calling, I read the caller ID and see Ben. "Why can't he just leave me alone?" I say quietly to myself "What?" Josh asked "Oh nothing just talking to myself "Movie?" Josh asked and I nod and make
My way to couch we snuggle up and watch a movie. I am so excited that we are going to try to have a family it is still strange since he was my teacher!

This chapter was interesting!! Who enjoyed it?? I loved writing this anyway I hope you guys liked it! Also do you think Ben will ever leave her alone? Will Josh and Rowan become a family again or will something happen that will ruin it? Found out soon

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