I can't believe you

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(A/N: this will be a two-shot story)
(Karley's relationship status: girlfriends)

Kitty's POV

     I walk past the double doors of my school to find out that nothing new is going on. I was wrong.

I dropped off my books at my locker and headed for Marley's locker. I was shocked on what I saw next. It was like it's butterfly hunting season, because all the butterflies that I used to feel in my stomach every time I see Marley, has died.

Marley's POV

Everyday, Kitty and I always meet at my locker, so I headed there. I decided to put my books away at my locker. I shut my locker door and waited for Kitty to get here. I saw Jake coming over so I pretended to do something with my locker. "Hey Marley." He said "Go away Jake, I don't wanna talk right now." I replied. "Relax, I was just asking if you want to go out with me Friday night?" Oh my god, does this guy ever gets tired of chasing me?! I thought. "For the last time, I'm dating Kitty." "Yeah I know, but do you really like her?" "I love her. Now can you please leave?" I was getting tired of this. It's the same thing I go through everyday. "No you don't." "Yes, I do" "No come on, you know you like me." He walked closer to me. I tried to walk back, but he grabbed my arm before I could even try. "Jake, let me go!" "Just shut up." He closed the gap between us and kissed me on the lips. I tried to get away for a couple of seconds, but then, to my surprise, I was kissing back. We kissed for a couple of minutes, until I heard I gasp coming from someone's mouth. I broke off the kiss to see who it was. It was Kitty.

     I saw Kitty just standing there for a couple of tears streaming down her face. She ran away from me and headed towards the door. I tried running after her, but as soon as I got out the door, she was already in her car. I just stood there and watched her drive away from me.

Kitty's POV

I realized that Marley was staring at me, so I ran out the door. I just can't stand seeing her right now, which makes the stream of tears on my face flow faster. I hopped in my car and started driving away from school. I looked in my rear view mirror and saw a crying Marley behind me. I just kept on driving and not caring about missing school. Right now, the only thing I'm thinking about, is that how could she do that to me. My tears are making my eyes blurry. I can't see anything. Suddenly, I hear a horn honking. Is it mine? No. It's another car. My instincts kicked in right away and I turned my steering wheel. The next thing I know, my car swerved off the road and headed for a giant tree. Then everything went black.

Marley's POV

It's been five hours since Kitty left. I headed to the choir room for glee, but when I went inside, everybody was either sad or crying, even Jake. Unique was the first to notice me, so he went over to where I'm standing and gave me a hug. What's going on? I thought. "I'm so so sorry, Marley" he said. "For what?" I was so confused. "Didn't you hear?" "Hear about what?" "Oh, Marley." He escorted me to my seat. I sat down so he could finish what he was going to say. "Marley, don't freak out. Okay?" "Okay, just tell me." I was getting impatient and too curious to know what was going on. "Okay," he breathes heavily, "Kitty got in an accident." My heart stopped. I couldn't believe what I just heard. "What?! What are you talking about?! Where is she?! Is she okay?!" "Marley, relax." Jake tried to calm me down, but it didn't work because I only got even more furious. "You! You did this! If you didn't kiss me back there, this wouldn't have happened!" I yelled at him. Everyone looked surprised at my tone. I'm not gonna lie, I was too, but this is Kitty we're talking about here. "Well, you ki-" he was cut off by Mr. Schue. "Guys enough!" I turned to unique. "What happened?" He told me the story of what happened. "Where is she? I have to know if she's okay." I am way beyond worried now. After unique told me where she is, I took my mom's car and drove there.

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