Meeting the Strawhats

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A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I do not own One Piece!!!!!! I hope you enjoy it!!!!! (Oh! Please follow me!!)

I'm free. I'm finally free. I ran away. It may be snowing and I may be freezing, exhausted, and in lots of pain, but I can't stop running. I can't go back. A strong gust of wind blows my long brown hair in my face, blocking my vision. In return, I trip on a tree root. I try to get up, but I can't. I don't have enough strength left. I welcome the darkness as it envelops me. 

When I wake up, I'm no longer outside. Instead, I'm in a bed inside of a room. As I sit up, I remember what happened. I ran away, then fell and passed out. Looking around the room, I realize that I must've been found and taken back. But, if I was found I wouldn't be in a bed or even in a room. I'd be back in my dirty cell. 

My head is pounding it's hard for me to think. I was about to get up and try to figure out where I was when the door opened and a woman with orange hair walked in. She looked nice, but because of my background I assumed the worst and went on the defensive. She slowly walked over to me. "You're awake." 

When she was right beside the bed she reached towards me. This triggered sensitive memories and I instinctively backed away as far as I could screaming, "Please, don't hurt me!" 

She gasped and retracted her hand a little. She continued to reach for me and wrapped her arms around me in a hug. She said, "I would never hurt you. You're safe here." Aching for some type of affection for so long, I wrapped my arms around her without a second thought. After staying like that for awhile, I felt myself losing consciousness again. My grip slowly loosened. She pulled back a little and yelled, "Chopper!" As she waited, she laid me down. 

I heard the door open and someone ran in. "Can you hear me? Can you open your eyes?" It was a boy's voice. He didn't sound very old. I tried to open my eyes and manage to do so. I see a reindeer looking at me. However, this is quite normal in the Grand Line. "Good. I'm Chopper. I'm a doctor. This is Nami. You've already met her. You're in a very bad condition. Will you let me take care of you?" 

I don't know why, maybe it was Nami, but I trust these people, so I nod. I feel a needle prick my arm and Chopper sighs with relief. "Okay, all done. You need to rest." I hum and let myself fall asleep. 

Next time I wake up, my head is no longer pounding and I am alone. I decide to get up and walk out of the room. My legs are covered in bruises and scratches. My muscles and bones are aching. I can barely walk. Even though it hurts, I use the wall to walk over to the door and I open it. 

I'm on a ship! These guys are pirates and not just any pirates. These guys are the Strawhats. I only know who their captain is, so I didn't recognize anyone else. 

No longer having the wall to support me, I fall down. All eyes are on me. Chopper runs towards me as I sit up against the door frame. Everyone else walks over to me as Chopper starts to examine me. They stand around me in a circle. I look at their captain, standing in front of me right in the middle of the circle. I can already tell that his crew has respect for him. 

"Monkey D. Luffy. Captain of the Strawhat Pirates. You don't seem as scary as everyone makes you out to be." 

"Shishishi, nope. Call me Luffy. Are you okay?" 

"Yeah, I'm fine." However, my body betrays me when I try to get up, unsuccessfully. 

"You don't look fine to me." 

Instead of replying, I roll up my pants while wincing from the pain. Looking at my legs, covered in bruises, scratches, and scars, Nami gasps, "Oh my God," and Chopper runs off. 

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