I don't hate you.

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Kitty's POV

     My alarm was blaring at 7:00 in the morning. I'm too lazy to get up. "Ugh!" I turned off my alarm clock and got up to go to the bathroom. I put on my Cheerios uniform including my official Cheerios jacket. I hopped in my car and drove to this hellhole called high school.

     Once I got through the doors of William McKinley High, I saw a glimpse of  Marley's hair. If you ask anyone, they will say that I hate Marley and that I would do everything to take her down.  It's quite the opposite, actually. No one knows this about me, but I like girls. Specifically, Marley Rose. She is just so nice, kind, beautiful, she has a beautiful voice, and that's why that full-of-himself Jake Puckerman doesn't deserve her. She deserves someone better, she deserve someone who will care for her and be there for her anytime she needs them. That's why I'm making the big decision today. I'm gonna ask Marley out on a date.

     I walk over next to Marley's locker and just waited. She slammed her locker shut and finally noticed me standing there. I think I might've scared her a little bit. "Oh, hey kitty," she said, "I know what you're here for." "You do?" I asked, scared of what she'll say. "Yeah, but can u tell your guys not to slushie me till after 1st period? Please?" Oh thank god! I thought. I straightened myself up and put on my HBIC facade. "Alright, hold the waterworks. That's not what I'm here for." "Then what can I help you with?" "What are you doing Friday night?" God, I hope this will work, I thought. "Well, I was gonna help my mo-" "I don't care about the details, just cancel it." I cut her off. "Why?" She asked with a confused face. God that adorable face is a blessing. "Because you're going to Breadstix with me." "Wait, like on a date?" Oh no, she probably thinks that I'm a freak right now. "Yeah, got a problem with that?!" I yelled at her and I feel bad, but I don't want to show it and ruin my reputation that I don't care about but my parents does. "N-no" she stuttered. Oh no! I scared her! She'll never go out with me now! "I'll pick you up at 6:00. If you're not ready in five minutes, I'm out." And with that, the bell rings and I just walked off to my 1st period class.

Marley's POV

     On my way to first period, I keep thinking, oh my god, did kitty just asked me out? She did! Oh my god she really did! Everyone looked at me really weirdly. I just can't believe it!

Friday afternoon:
     The week had gone by fast. I kept on receiving weird glares coming from kitty all week. I told my mom what happened after she asked me out and she told me that she was happy for me. It's 5:30pm already so I put on the best dress I've got and I waited for kitty to get here.

     It's been twenty minutes, it's exactly 6:00. I looked out my window and saw a red convertible Ferrari pull over in my driveway. You know, for a really mean girl, she is exactly on time. I ran downstairs and said goodbye to my mom. I opened my door and walked out to kitty's car. Here we go.

Kitty's POV
     I hopped in my car and drove over to Marley's place. I hope she actually goes with me. Omg I'm so nervous! I got there at exactly 6:00 and I started waiting. I heard footsteps from inside the house and Marley's voice yelling goodbye to her mother. I'd know that voice anywhere. She walked out the door and may I just say, she's the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. She sat in the passenger seat, which was a coincidence because the song Passenger Seat started playing when I turned on the radio. We drove to Breadstix in silence.

(A/N I will show you what they're outfits looks like starting with Marley's then with kitty's:

(A/N I will show you what they're outfits looks like starting with Marley's then with kitty's:

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Also I have the song passenger seat up there and so is Kitty's car)

Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

Also I have the song passenger seat up there and so is Kitty's car)

     We got to Breadstix in 10 minutes and I got out of the car first. I ran over to the other side and opened Marley's door for her. "Thanks kitty." She said. "No problem" yeah, real nice one kitty. We went in and got into our reserved seat and ordered our food. While we're eating, we started telling each other childhood stories. "When I was 10, I had to sing for my recital. I was so nervous that I threw up in a bucket backstage that had the confetti in it. So, when they dropped the confetti, everything looked and smelt gross." Marley told her story and we both laughed our heads off. I start telling her mine. "When I was six years old, I already wanted to be a cheerleader so I practiced and practiced every day. One day, we were taking my old dog for a walk and I tried to do a cartwheel. I sucked so bad that I landed on my dog's back flat on my stomach." She started laughing, "that's not all, I scared my dog so bad that he started running and dragged my mother while I am still hanging on his back. It was like riding a horse for the very first time." She was laughing really hard right now, while I'm just sitting there smiling and thinking about how adorable she looks right now.

     We talked more for a little while, then we finally decided that it's late and that we should go home. We hopped in my car again and drove back to Marley's house. I got out of the car first again and opened her door for her, again. I walked her to her front door where we turn to look at each other. She was the first one to speak. "I had a lot of fun tonight, kitty." "So did I." I replied. Before I know it, we were leaning towards each other and only a few centimeters away. I closed the gap between us and kissed her lips. I would've done that all night, but we have to come out for air. "Wow" was all that Marley said. I replied with "Can I ask you something?" "Sure" "Will you be my girlfriend?" Please say yes, please say yes! I thought. "Yes" after the word escaped her lips, I hugged her tightly. Just then, the door opened revealing Marley's mom. "I'll talk to you later, Marley. And have a good night Mrs. Rose." "Good night, kitty" "Drive safe" they replied.

     I drive home thinking of what I'll do to keep her mine. But for now, I will treasure her.

A/N: That's my first chapter. What did you think? Think that I should do more? I will try to publish a new chapter at least twice a week or something. With the reasons involving story ideas, real life events, and school.

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