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selyse harrison

I sat for breakfast, keeping my eyes on the time as I ate. Choosing 8:30am courses was a terrible idea and I don't know why I did it. I thought it would help me be responsible with my time but if anything, it makes me want to sleep in.

"Are you ready?" Jack came down the stairs in a three piece navy suit. The colour made his eyes pop. I put my toast down.

"You're taking me?" I leaned back in shock. Normally, Kent and Davies would take me and Jack isn't even home when I wake up. But he's doing better at arriving home before five which shows his effort. He's putting in effort for us to no longer be strangers.

"Why not?" He reached for the toast on my plate.

"Are you aware you have a tendency to answer questions with questions? It's really annoying if I'm being honest," I mumbled the last part, trying not to upset him. But the statement only made him laugh. I stood, bringing my plate to the sink and was tempted to do my dishes. But time was not on my side.

"Maybe that's the point," he stood behind me to kiss my neck. He moved my hair, pulling my back onto him.

"Jack," I silently protested but it was no use because I didn't mean it. If I could, I would allow him to spend the entire day having his fingers explore different parts of my body. "I'm going to be late. This professor takes attendance." It's stupid. I thought attendance was the one thing I could avoid in university.

"Hm, I might have to do something about that. What's their name?" Jack asked and I immediately turned around to look up at him. My eyes narrowed, trying to catch his bluff but there was none. Jack isn't one to not follow through with his threats.

"Let's go. Please," I took my tote from my chair in the dining room. He finally agreed and we stood in the elevator together.

The doors closed, revealing the mirror on the doors. I was dressed in a simple hoodie and jeans and looked extremely informal beside Jack. But our different choice in attire wasn't the only thing I noticed. I couldn't help but acknowledge his height or rather my lack of. The top of my head reached just around where his collarbone would be. His height didn't make him appear lengthy because his shoulders were broad and you could tell how much muscle rested under his suit.

Our gaze met in the reflection and it was now more than ever that I wished I knew went on through his head. The car ride was weird, mostly because Jack rarely drives me around and I was hyper fixating on everything about him. Like his hands and the way they worked the steering wheel and held onto the gearshift.

I let out a loud breath, crossing my legs while I shut my eyes. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," I forced out more aggressive than I intended. What is wrong with my body? Suddenly I'm struggling to control myself when around him. Sometimes he makes my heart flutter and my stomach feels like it's being flipped upside down.

I peered an eye open when his hand went to my thigh, making my feelings even worse. My core tightened and warmth appeared between my legs.

"No," I forced his hand away from me, forcing myself closer to the door. He laughed, putting his hands on me again when he stopped the car in front of a building at the school. I opened my door to get outside of the car but he leaned over, shutting the door then locking it.

"Give me a kiss," he asked and it was an innocent kiss. It shouldn't be a big deal, and it's not. But I felt once I started, I wouldn't stop. Jack is the first person I've ever wanted to fully explore things sexually with which is odd considering I don't like assholes and he is one.

But I didn't argue. I leaned forward for his lips to touch mine. Jack is always gentle with kissing me like kissing isn't something I've ever done. And usually I run along with things being gentle. But this time I made things more. I rested my hand on his thigh, gradually bringing myself over the centre console. My other hand went to his hair to pull him closer while I felt my heart swelling. His fully black tinted windows were proving to be beneficial.

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