Slovakian Deserts

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You walk along the airport, feeling your way around the walls, trying to find your terminal. You're blind. You feel the Braille bumps on the wall. They read the same number as your terminal. You rushingly walk and suddenly you fall backwards. You think that you may have hit the wall of the airport, but a voice emerges from the direction you bumped into.

"Watch where you're going my goodness!"

You try to respond but you feel that your hand is empty. Your ticket is gone. You realize that you must've dropped when you bumped into the man.

You can still feel the breath of the angry man emerging from his nostrils. You know that you have a choice here. You can either feel the ground around your feet and grab whichever ticket is there, risking the chance that you might grab his ticket, or, you can wait until the man grabs his ticket, risking the chance that he might steal your ticket.

You squat down and start to feel the ground. You can feel a ticket but you don't know which one. Suddenly, an intercom turns on.

"Flight 42069666 will be departing in one minute."

You grab the ticket, startled and surprised by what you heard on the intercom. You quickly rush, your hand feeling the Braille directions on the wall. You reach your terminal, and hand the ticket to the ticket receiver who receives tickets.

A short time that seems to last a long time passes, and she hands you back your ticket.

"Enjoy your flight."

You grabbed the right ticket.

You eventually find your seat, and sit down in the seat as people usually do with sitting seats. You pull out your blind people phone and start playing your blind people video games. After a while of playing games, a nice white American businessman takes his seat next to you. He turns to, and with his raspy voice he questions,

"Are you blind?"

You are shocked and surprised by this. You very clearly are blind. You are wearing the glasses that blind people wear. You are playing blind people Tetris on you blind people phone. How clueless and ignorant could someone be?

"Yes, I am blind."

"Yeah I thought so," he responded.

You are a few hours into your flight, and he turns to you again.

"Listen here blind person, I've got a bet for you."

You're intrigued by what he says, and you nod your head and ask him,

"What is it?"

"Well blind person," he continues, "I can see that you've been playing that Tetris game throughout this entire flight, and I used to play Tetris all the time. How about we play a game of it one on one? If you win I'll pay for your return ticket when we land, but if I win, you have to give me your return ticket and all of your money. Deal?"

You think for this for just one moment. You know that no one is better than you at Tetris. The words easily flow through your mouth.


You play first. You have to win this round of Tetris.

Oh no.

You just remembered that this is regular Tetris and not blind Tetris.

You press random buttons and stack a straight tower up. You have lost. You are now broke and stuck in Slovakia when your plane lands.


The plane lands and you are immediately kicked out of the airport for harvesting a bomb shaped Tetris machine. You have nothing left. Nothing. You can't even play blind people Tetris anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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