Chapter Thirty.

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It snowed heavily and steadily on Christmas Eve, ruining plans across New York City. The snow continued to fall even hours after her mom had phoned to say the food would keep until the next day and not to bother setting out. Camila had been secretly relieved. She was content to sit in her bedroom, watching as the normally bleak and dreary world outside her window disappeared beneath mountains of white.

Across the street, her neighbor obsessively shoveled snow off his stoop, only to have it accumulate again moments later. Camila stared, fascinated by the sight of the old man in the big blue coat struggling against the inevitable.

She smiled and hugged the blanket around her shoulders tightly, trying to get warm. She was grateful for the snow; grateful that she was home, instead of out there; grateful for the simple things. She thought of Nathan for the first time in a long time and wondered how he was. Was he happy? Was he well? The questions drifted in and out of her mind without answers and she found she didn't care.

Dinah knocked once and then opened the door without waiting. She walked in, wearing a Santa hat and Christmas tree earrings that jingled as she walked.

"I made you some hot chocolate." Dinah held up a mug of steaming liquid and offered it to Camila.

Camila accepted the mug without hesitation. "That sounds heavenly, thanks."

"Yeah, I added some miniature marshmallows," Dinah continued. "Oh and rum."

Camila paused with the mug at her lips. She slowly brought it back down. "Sorry, did you say rum?"

"Yeah I found the recipe online. I thought it'd give it a nice kick."

Camila frowned briefly but didn't want to offend Dinah.

"Also, there might be a carrot in there..."

"A carrot?"

"Yeah, it was an accident. I think I got it out, though. Mostly."

Camila put the mug down on her nightstand. "Thanks..."

"No problem. So, what do you want to watch first tonight? We've got the classics: A Christmas Story, A Christmas Carol, the 1951 version, of course, not the other posers, It's A Wonderful Life, and Miracle on 34th Street. I've also made enough popcorn to last at least three movies. So, whenever you're ready..."

Camila bit her lip. "Actually, can I have a few minutes? I've been meaning to email my dad to wish him a Merry Christmas. Shouldn't take long."

"See ya in a bit then." Dinah shut the door on her way out.

Camila stole another glance out the window. The man remained unwavering in his attempts to clear the snow from his front steps, and Camila briefly envied his determination.

She moved to the bed, and sat down, pulling the computer onto her lap. She found a free e-card service and addressed one to her father, wishing him the best. And though she knew that Dinah was waiting for her, she found herself opening an email to Laura.

Dear Laura,

I hope this Christmas Eve finds you well. I can't write much because Dinah is waiting for me for our annual Christmas moviethon, and I really have to figure out a way to subtly dispose of the carrot & rum hot chocolate she made me, but I really wanted to wish you a Merry Christmas in case I don't get a chance to write to you tomorrow.

It's snowing here. It's snowing so hard that everything is now white and sparkly and beautiful. I should take a picture now before it all starts to melt and turn to slush. Christmas plans at my folks' were cancelled due to the weather and I can't say that I mind all that much. I'm happy here in my cold apartment, spying on crazy neighbors and watching black and white movies with Dinah.

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