❖ Fate ❖

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I closed my eyes
I felt the wind on my face

I knew nothing but darkness
For the past few days

I went to a place
where all the monsters wait

I had no chance to survive
So I left those matters to fate.

I've done what's been undone
I took that road to make the pain go numb

I had no choice
I was filled with hate

So I took a deep breath
And left those matters to fate

I've let my decisions be tampered
I was filled with greed, I got pinned and hammered

I stood there willingly
And let myself become a bait

I hoped and for a saviour
I left those matters to fate.

I grew up surrounded by four walls
With no windows with no doors

Shattered dreams was all I gained
I prayed for patience and left those matters to fate.

Days and nights have passed
Never coming back, turning to a past

I faught a war with garvity
But it was already too late

I've already fallen back to reality
I've already gave up on fate.

"Not everything is up to fate
Don't be a fool
Don't just sit your ass and wait."

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