Second Chance At Love: Chapter 1

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Please read my story. It might be a little boring at first. But its gonna get good! I promise. So please comment or become a fan. One little click makes one person very happy! :)


Some people look back on their life when they are older, and see all the days that they wasted. All the days they spent with people who love them the most and didn't think twice about until it was too late. All the memories they have of being with someone and not taking advantage of it. All the things they would of liked to say to that person, but never took the time to say it. Some people have all they ever need right in front of their faces, everything they've ever wanted placed right in reach. Yet they're too afraid to step out into the unknown to grab it. They're afraid to get hurt. Then there are those who are too afraid of what other people would say, so they just live their lives pleasing others. I told myself from the time that I was a little girl that I would never be like that. I told myself that I would be bold and independent, do what I wanted, and not what others expected of me. I wish I could say that I fulfilled this goal, but in all honesty, I wasted precious time that I could never again have with one loved one. And I wasted more time with someone else very special. All because I couldn't humble myself to forgive. I knew what people expected of me, and I delivered it. Only to have regrets later. I failed a belief I had, and it almost changed my life for the worse. But God gave me one more chance to fix what I had done...

Chapter 1.


I could here the pounding of my heart and the heavy footsteps following me as I ran for my life.

"Monica I saw you come in here!"

I crouched behind the sagging floral couch, out of breath from running across the old Lawson field, now hiding in the run down house. I could here Damon's footsteps nearby, getting closer and closer to where I was hiding. I tried to slow my rapid breathing, afraid that he would here me. Damon was walking into the room I was currently hiding in. I took a deep breath and peeked out from behind the couch. Damon was opening a closer door. I quickly sat back down and leaned against the back of the couch, willing to wait him out. Damon had surprised me that morning when I walked out my front door, only to be shot in the face with a powerful stream of ice-cold water. Lacking proper weapons to fight back, I had taken off through the field next to my house, with Damon not far behind me.

Damon slammed the closet door shut, and then it grew quiet. I listened, but couldn't hear his footsteps. I sat there for a few minutes, wanting to make sure he had actually left. When I didn't hear anything, I started to get up, only to here breathing from above me.

"Hi Monica,"

I looked up and screamed, to see Damon hanging over the back of the couch smirking at me. I burst out laughing.

"You scared the crap out of me!" I gasped, collapsing next to him on the dusty old couch. A smoke of dust flew up in my face. Coughing, I turned to him.

"You could of told me that you wanted to have a water gun fight. I would have been up for it."

He grinned, "Now that would have take all of the fun out of it. Seeing your face when I shot you earlier was priceless!"

I punched him in the arm. He can be so mean.

It was quiet as we sat there on the couch, but not awkward. Damon and I had been best friends since we were six. He had moved in next-door from my parents and me. We had hit it off instantly and stuck together from elementary school all the way through high school. Now it was the week after graduation, and Damon and I were still trying to figure out what we wanted to do with our summer, and the rest of our lives. I looked over at him.

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