Trap .

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"I .. I don't know "- You said on the verge of tears

"FUCK !"- Chresanto said in a loud whisper

"What ?"- you asked 

"...... Somebody is after you & I think I know just who the person is"- Chres smirked 

Alanna's P.O.V 

Hey bitchez well , as yall know , Chresanto August is mine and only mines . Whoever gets in the way of me and Chresanto will suffer and I will make their life a living hell . Now this hoe Yn thinks she can just get in the way ? Hell no I've got just the thing for her *evil laugh* . See imma get Chresanto one way or another he'll fall right into my trap and little miss Yn won't realize either . Haha . Watch out Yn . Alanna is coming ..

End of P.O.V


"Hello ?"- Chres asked picking his phone 

"It's me .. Alanna"- Alanna said a soothing tone over the phone 

"Ughh ... What do you want ?"-Chres asked gettin irritated 

"I just wanted to come over and explain and work things out with you Chresanto please "-Alanna said 

"No Alanna . I'm tired of you and your bs . Leave me , Yn and my family alone ! I know that your the one who slashed Yn's tires and has been sending her these text messages and shit"-Chres said rolling his eyes 

"What ? Me? Never"-Alanna lied 

"Whatever"-Chres sighed 

"So can I come over please Chres I beg you I wont do anything ..."-Alanna said smirking

"Whaatever be here by 7"-Chres said before hanging up 

Chres you do not know the trouble your about to get yourself into .


"Mama mama"-Jayden said lifting his arms up so that you could hold him 

"Your finally awake baby boy"- You said kissing his cheek

"Hehehe"-Jayden gigled 

"Hey yall watch this .. Chres get the camera!"-You said . Quickly everyone rushed to where you was and Chres brought the camera

"Aye what do we need this for ?"-Chres asked 

"We are gonna teach Jayden how to walk today"-You smiled

"Ohh okay"-Everyone said pretty excited 

"Ray grab his arm and Prince grab his other arm to make him stand up"-You said rushing over to Chres 

"Ighht"-Prince and Ray said doing as what they were told 

"Boy you don't even know how to turn on a damn camera , give me that !"-You snatched the camera out of his hands and started video taping 

"Whatever"-Chres said puting his arms up 

"Okay . Walk him forward a little then let him go"-You said to the boys 

"Okay"-The boys said and did as you asked . Jayden walked on his own for about a second and a half then fell down 

"Oh mane soo close"-Prod said 

Yn Let Me Love You (A Sequel To The Maid - Mindless Behavior Story)Where stories live. Discover now