Benjamin gets an offer

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Chapter 6

Benjamin gets an offer

Camellia’s P.O.V

This year we’ve got to find a photographer for our departmental store’s fashion magazine but we’ve got to be very careful with it, because this magazine will only carry bridal pictures. Do you like any of them? Asked grandpa

Grandpa I like this one very much


Because in this photograph the bride’s apprehensions and happiness are very effectively captured. I think whoever the photographer is; he knows a girls mind very well

Wow, my child! You’ve looked at something all of us missed out. The responsibility of this fashion magazine, I entrust it to you

Grandpa, why don’t we do a music video? Everybody watches TV nowadays. It’ll be good for our store too.

Idea is great, but who will do it?

Anna! Remember, she did our fashion show last year? She must know someone in Auckland who can do a music video. I’ll call her right now!

Camellia don’t forget to also phone the photographer.

 No problem gramps.

After leaving the shop I phone Mr. Parker

Hello, Parkers photography association speaking here. How may I help you?

Is Mr. Parker available right now? I inquire


May I please speak to him?   

 Yes just hold on.


Can I speak to Mr. Benjamin Parker?

This is Benjamin speaking here. How may I help you?

I’m Camellia Washington. We come out with a fashion magazine for our departmental store every year. If you are available we would want you to come over this year and take photographs for the magazine.

Sounds interesting. What’s the theme?      


Oh okay great I would love to do it. Have you chosen the models yet?

No but we’re holding an audition here. You can come over and select them

And where are we shooting it?

In Hamilton.


I know it’s far away from your city but it’s only for a few days

I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to come.

Why not?

Actually I forgot all about a promise I made to someone. Honestly I can’t come even if I want to


I am really sorry

Its okay

But thanks for the offer maybe next year

Its okay

Great yeah thanks again bye


Camellia they loved your idea of a music video.

Thank you uncle.

Have you spoken to the photographer?

I have gramps. But I think… I was cut off by my phone ringing

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2013 ⏰

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