Your Time of the month

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the moon was almost full. Jack was getting home from his day at work. he kissed his wife and went straight to bed. his kids followed.

"oh hello children how you doin?" asked Jack. the kids repiled with a smile and said they were good. "Good to see you're all healthy, now its getting late so you should go to bed if you hear howling its only me." Commanded jack. His kids laughed because they thought he was joking. they went to the bathroom and brushed their teeth and then went to sleep.

Jack's wife miandered up the stairs. She was wearing her gimp suit. Jack was wearing his. Jack's wife entered the room and whipped jack on the back. They jumped into the bed and the  rubbing started. the gimps suits were slowly ripped off as they fucked each other so hard they started to sweat. the rubbing of sweaty meat made a disgusting smell. they went on for hours. and hours. and hours.

Eventually the two stopped and went to sleep. the moon was bright and lit up theyre room. jack checked to see if it was full.. thankfully it was not. at least not yet anyway.

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