I will

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I followed the white petals and saw Bailey. "You knew about this?" "No questions just read the note the my dear friend wrote."

If your reading this you have decided to come which for that I'm grateful. I didn't spend to much time on this notes because I want to tell you in person and see those beautiful eyes of yours. So I'll see you at the end.
~Your Bell

"Here Bellamy said too give you this." She handed me a white rose and I kept walking. As I walked I saw cute little dears and bunnies. And heard the birds sing. And I kept walking all I could think about is why, why in the world would Bellamy go through this its a total waste of time. Yeah I think its cute that he is doing this because no one has ever tried to do this for me.

Mainly because of my brother Jesse, he always gets in the way and because of that I've never been on a real date or having a boyfriend. Haha I remember this one time I was coming back from the library and I think his name was brayden. He scared the shït out of him from asking me out.

It was hilarious. After a few minutes Aiden started to come in view. Wearing a button up and light jeans. "Hey Lee, heres the note."

Eclipse ~
Your getting closer. And closer. Keep coming. Remember that night when we went on a picnic and you were talking about things you like to eat? I'm sure you do. I figured you were hungry so I made you a little something to munch on your way to me.

~Your Bell

"Here he said to give you this." He reached into his pocket and fished out a sandwich. "I didn't ask why he just put jelly on it but here you go." I couldn't stop the smile coming onto my face. He remembered.


"Whats your favorite season and why?" That's easy I thought.

"Winter why because my mother would always stop whatever she was doing to come play with me. We would always build a snow castle and snow angels. What about yours?"

"Summer because I just love the heat and swimming. My dad would always have to drag me out of the pool. Whats your favorite snack?"

"Jelly sandwich you?" "Sweetish fish."

End of flash back

"Lee? Are you just going to smile like a lunatic or are you going to take these roses?" "Roses?" Aiden bent down and picked up a bouquet of flowers white roses and gave them to me.

"Lee stop smiling he's waiting doofus." I gently smacked him on his arm and told him thanks. I kept following the rose petals it took about ten minutes to get to the next note.

As soon as I walked over the hill I saw..,...,...... Jesse? Jesse. This had to be a dream? I ran the rest of the way and held my roses close to my chest so the petals wouldn't come off.

"Jess this has to be a dream. How you get here? When?" "Eclipse calm down no this isn't a dream. I drove this thing called a car and today."

"Why? How did you find me?" "Why really you have to ask that your my sister I've looked for you everyday. And I didn't find you some guy named Bellamy said you were here and that you were coming to this spot."

"Your so stupid what if it was a set up dummy." "But look on the bright side its not. Now who is this Bellamy?" "He's Bellamy." "Oh here this was here with you name on it."

Do you like your surprise? If you were wondering it took me awhile to find out what pack you are from. But I found it I remember when you told me that you were the only one that had different color eyes, and that you didn't have brown hair like the rest you had dark red hair so I spent my mornings and nights working on this I hope you like it.

~Your Bell

"Where you going now?" "To Bellamy." "Im coming." "Fine but I don't need you asking me all kinds of questions." "Got it miss bossy pants."

Five minutes later I'm still suffocated by questions. "Jess chill." "So Bellamy?" "Yeah?" "Do you think he's your mate?"

"Um Phoenix does and I've learned to trust her thoughts and ideas so there's a chance."

And there he is my handsome mate. Bellamy Smith he had a light blue polo shirt on and dark blue jeans and his white vans. I ran up and hugged him.

"Thank you so much Bell." "Your very welcome but the reason I did this is so I could ask you something." I nod and wait from him to tell me. He takes a deep breath and slowly exhales.

He gets on his knee and I swear my brother starts freaking out like Bellamy is proposing to him. "Eclipse Knight your the most important person in my life now and your so funny and cute even though you do snore in your sleep and sometimes you punch and kick while your sleeping but you make me feel like things I haven't felt in awhile and I'm not asking you to marry me just yet but I'm asking you to be my girlfriend and my mate." He pulls out a little black box with gold writing on it. "This is a promise ring, I promise that your the only one that has my heart, I promise to never hurt you physically or emotionally or mentally, I promise to love you with all my heart, I promise that I will never cheat on you. I promise that I will be your backbone, I promise I will be there for you and never left you and I also promise that this ring will soon be replaced when I ask you to marry me."

I nodded my head and he placed the ring on my finger.

"I will."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 19, 2018 ⏰

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